Regional economic connection has always been a hot topic in Economic Geography and regional research. By introducing inductance and influence indexes and constructing the measurement model of industrial association intensity, this paper provides a deep discussion about the industrial association directions, spatial different characteristics and models in Huaihai Economic Zone. The result shows that because of the negative correlation between industrial interaction and the distance among cities, distance has a big influence on the industrial interaction. The industrial association intensity represents the following characteristics: first, the industrial association intensity gradually becomes weak from the Beijing-Shanghai Railway line to its two sides. Second, the core regional cities in Huaihai Economic Zone keep close contact with each other. Third, the industrial association differs obviously in the four regional plates as North Jiangsu, South Shandong, North Anhui and East Henan. Based on the conclusion of industrial association intensitu in Huaihai Economic Zone, the main industrial association direction in it mainly shows the following characteristics: first, north-south direction is the main industrial association direction in Huaihai Economic Zone. This is related to the radiating and leading role of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. This also explains that Beijing-Shanghai Railway is the main economic axis of Huaihai Economic Zone. At the timing sequence of spatial development, key attention should be paid on the main association intension among north-south direction to form stable spatial structural system. Besides, since East-Longhai economic belt has neither an obvious effect to its surroundings nor a strong driving role, from the industrial association aspect, it hasn’t become the main axis of Huaihai Economic Zone, the industrial association among east-west direction is not so strong, so it is the secondary industrial association in Huaihai Economic Zone. From the perspective of spatial organization, the larger amount of industrial association intensity mainly concentrate in the central part of the region, the industrial radiation and impact of marginal cities to other cities in the region is greatly decreased, the industrial association presents distinct circles structure. From inside to outside is core layer, central layer and outer edge layer. The key regional development and its direction shall be decided based on the industrial association direction and spatial organization model. This will be beneficial for the coordinating regional development in provincial borders from a higher level.
ZHOU Ting, QIU Fang-dao, ZHU Chuan-geng, ZHANG Jing, CAI Ai-jun, SUN Dong-qi, FANG Xue
. Industrial Spatial Association Characteristics in Huaihai Economic Zone[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(6)
: 854
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.06.854
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