Climatic Characteristics and the Spatio-temporal Variation of High Temperature Days in North China in 1960-2009
Received date: 2011-06-22
Request revised date: 2011-09-13
Online published: 2012-07-20
Based on the daily maximum air temperature data from 90 meteorological stations in the period 1960-2009, the climatic characteristics and the spatio-temporal variation of high temperature days (HTDs) in North China were analyzed by using the statistical methods including trend analysis. The results show that the HTDs are more in the south and less in the north on conditions that 800-meters elevation contour serves the boundary. There exist two high value centers, which is located in the south of Hebei Province and the regions from southwest of Shanxi Province to Zhengzhou and Xuchang of Henan Province respectively. The most annual mean HTDs reach 25.7d, which occurs in Yuncheng of Shanxi Province. The HTDs are mainly on the decrease in the south of North China and on the increase in the north. The most obvious decrease in HTDs occurs in Kaifeng of Henan Province and the linear trend is -2.8d/10a. The most obvious increase in HTDs occurs in Hequ of Shanxi Province and the linear trend is 1.51d/10a. The HTDs in recent 50 years has a distinct decadal evolution of increasing-decreasing-increasing. The high temperature mainly occurs during May to August, especially in June and July. Compared with the HTDs in the 1960s, those in the 2000s are slightly on the increase during July and on the decrease during May and August. The accumulated high temperature process (HTP) is on the detectable decrease, while the moderate HTP is on the detectable increase. As far as the HTP lasting day number more than 5 days is concerned, the number in Beijing is less than Erenhot and the number in Zhengzhou is 3.3 times as many as that in Beijing. There exist some difference in the era and month of HTP between the south and the north .
SHI Hong-bo . Climatic Characteristics and the Spatio-temporal Variation of High Temperature Days in North China in 1960-2009[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2012 , 32(7) : 866 -871 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.07.866
Fig. 1 The spatial distribution of selected 90 meteorological stations and the corresponding altitude (unit: m)图1 华北地区气象台站及海拔高度(单位:m)空间分布(图中阴影由浅到深分别表示海拔高度<200、<800、<2 200 m) |
Fig. 2 The spatial distribution of annual mean high temperature days (HTDs) (a, unit: d), annual most HTDs (b, unit: d) and extreme highest temperature (c, unit: ℃) in North China in 1960-2009图2 1960~2009年华北地区年均高温日数(a,单位d)、年最多高温日数(b,单位d)和极端最高气温(c,单位℃)空间分布 |
Fig. 3 The interannual variation (a,unit: d) of HTDs in No rth China in 1960-2009 and the spatial distribution (b,unit: d/10 a) of the corresponding linear trends图3 1960~2009年华北地区高温日数年际变化(a,单位d)及其变化趋势(b,单位d/10 a)的空间分布(图a中,直线表示线性趋势,曲线表示9点平滑;b中,×表示变化趋势通过0.05的显著性检验) |
Table 1 The HTDs in 1960-2009 (unit:d)表1 1960~2009年不同年代高温日数(d) |
年份(年) | 1960~1969 | 1970~1979 | 1980~1989 | 1990~1999 | 2000~2009 | 1960~2009 |
华北 | 8.8 | 6.2 | 5.1 | 6.9 | 8.7 | 7.1 |
郑州 | 25.4 | 16.4 | 11.6 | 14.3 | 16.1 | 16.8 |
北京 | 10.5 | 3.4 | 4.8 | 7.3 | 11.5 | 7.5 |
二连浩特 | 4.9 | 4.6 | 4.5 | 6.5 | 9.5 | 6.0 |
Fig. 4 The decadal anomaly of monthly HTDs during May to August (unit: d) of North China, Zhengzhou, Beijing and Erenhot in 1960-2009图4 华北、郑州、北京和二连浩特1960~2009年不同年代5~8月高温日数距平(d) |
Fig. 5 The interannual variation (a) and spatial distribution (b) of accumulated high temperature process (HTP) number in North China in 1960-2009图5 1960~2009年华北地区累计高温过程频次(单位:次)的年际变化(a)和空间分布(b) |
Table 2 The starting date of HTP with the lasting time more than 5 days in Zhengzhou, Beijing and Erenhot in 1960-2009表2 1960~2009年郑州、北京和二连浩特持续时间≥5 d的高温过程的起始日期 |
高温持续时间(d) | 郑 州 | 北 京 | 二连浩特 |
≥9 | 1961-7-18,1966-7-12,1972-6-9 | 1999-6-24 | 无 |
8 | 2002-5-31,2002-7-10 | 1997-7-8 | 1981-7-15 |
7 | 1971-7-13,1997-7-26,2005-6-11 | 1999-7-23 | 无 |
6 | 1968-7-23,1978-8-1,1979-6-12,1981-6-14, 1992-7-24,2006-6-15 | 2002-7-11 | 2000-7-10,2005-7-14 |
5 | 1964-7-6,1965-6-26,1966-6-19,1967-6.-2,1967-6-14, 1967-8-6,1968-6-2,1969-7-25,2009-6-23 | 1965-6-21,2000-7-22,2001-6-1 | 1977-7-16,1980-7-27,1987-7-25,1991-8-19,1999-7-25,2008-7-22 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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