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The Life Cycle of Export Processing Zones in the Coastal Metropolitan in China—A Case Study of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Shanghai

  • CHENG Jin ,
  • ZENG Gang ,
  • ZHANG Yun-wei
  • The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062,China

Received date: 2012-03-15

  Request revised date: 2012-06-17

  Online published: 2012-12-20




Export processing zones are special areas established by developing countries or regions to promote economic development by providing favorable measures and barrier-free environment to attract foreign investment and develop export-oriented industries. With the regional economic development, the internal and external development environment of the export processing zone has changed, and the function and nature of the export processing zones have an unceasing evolution and change, and thus to explore the life cycle evolution law of the export processing zones has very important significance. This paper builds an analysis framework of life cycle evolution and industrial evolution of export processing zones based on Product life cycle theory and the corporate life cycle theory, and then analyzes the evolution characteristics and mechanisms of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone life-cycle in Shanghai, which located in the eastern coastal areas of China. The results show that, according to the evolution characteristics of the product structures and enterprise structures, the life cycle of the Jinqiao Export Processing Zone can be divided into three stages: processing-oriented stage, manufacturing-oriented stage and innovation-oriented stage, the increasing proportion of new products and agglomeration of MNCs headquarters and R&D institutions can be observed in the evolution of life cycle. The nature of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone life cycle is the continuous transition of the land-use types and the continuing upgrading of the industrial value chain, and this is the result of the two types factors: The first is push factors which are generated by the internal investment environment, such as the increasing of production costs and the investment threshold; The second is pull factors which are generated by the external investment environment, such as the international industrial transfer has changed to high-tech and services, enhancing competitiveness of Export Processing Zones in the Midwest China and industrial associated-action between local development zones. These all reflect that the evolution of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone life cycle is an investment-driven process, this is different with the market-driven evolution process of life cycle of the export processing zones which are close to the markets of developed countries in the world.

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CHENG Jin , ZENG Gang , ZHANG Yun-wei . The Life Cycle of Export Processing Zones in the Coastal Metropolitan in China—A Case Study of Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Shanghai[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2012 , 32(12) : 1417 -1423 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.012.1417


1 出口加工区生命周期分析框架

生命周期理论广泛应用于产品、企业、产业、区域的发展演化研究之中[8,9]。其中代表性的有产品生命周期理论和企业生命周期理论。产品生命周期理论把产品的发展分为新产品阶段、产品成熟阶段和产品标准化生产阶段 [10],随着生产阶段的演化,产品生产区位将由高技术水平地区向低技术水平地区转移,因而产品的生命周期与企业的区位选择有着紧密联系,通过产品结构也能判断出一个地区的生产能力和技术水平的高低。企业生命周期理论一般认为企业发展过程中会经历诞生、成长、成熟、复苏和衰退等阶段[11]。受政策、经济、战略等一系列因素的影响,企业在空间上不断的进行区位选择[12,13],因而一个地区企业的诞生与成长表现为企业的空间集聚,企业的衰退或消亡则表现为企业的空间迁移和重组。
Fig.1 Life cycle of export processing zones

图1 出口加工区生命周期

2 研究区概况与数据来源

上海市金桥出口加工区是1990年经国务院批准设立的国家级经济技术开发区,2001年9月经国家海关总署批准设立金桥出口加工区,分为北区和南区两个部分。金桥出口加工区西连陆家嘴金融贸区,北接外高桥保税区,南近张江高科技园区(图2),金桥出口加工区早期主要发展出口加工业,企业类型多为出口加工型企业,近年来通过内部产业结构调整,实行制造业与生产性服务业并举,目前已形成了以电子信息、汽车及零部件、现代家电和生物医药为主导的产业集群,2010年,四大支柱产业实现工业总产值1 740.73亿元,占金桥出口加工区工业总产值的83.08%,截止2010年底,在金桥出口加工区内集聚的生产性服务业企业已超过400多家。
Fig.2 The distribution of Jinqiao EPZ

图2 金桥出口加工区位置示意图


3 金桥出口加工区生命周期演化特征

3.1 由标准化产品阶段向新产品阶段演变

金桥出口加工区成立初期,主要生产国际市场上处于标准化生产阶段的产品,出口产品主要以机械零部件、纺织服装和电子零配件为主。随着生命周期的演化,金桥出口加工区的出口产品发展到现代家电、电脑及软件、食品、生物医药制品、芯片设备、集成电路和轿车、汽车零部件等多元化的产品结构。目前,金桥出口加工区已形成研发设计、总部经济、生产性服务外包与产品服务“四个中心”,形成了包含标准化产品和新产品在内的产品结构。如图3所示,2010年新产品产值为1 198.53亿元,新产品产值占金桥出口加工区工业总产值的比重由2006年的50.9%增加到2010年的57.2%。
Fig.3 Output value of new products of Jinqiao EPZ in 2006-2010

图3 2006~2010年金桥出口加工区新产品产值


Fig.4 Exports of industrial products of Jinqiao EPZ

图4 金桥出口加工区工业产品出口情况


3.2 不同类型企业处于动态的集聚与消亡过程

Table 1 Firms number of industrial sectors of Jinqiao EPZ

表1 金桥出口加工区工业企业部门分布情况

排名 1993年 1998年 2005年 2009年
产业部门 比重(%) 产业部门 比重(%) 产业部门 比重(%) 产业部门 比重(%)
1 服装及纤维制品 9.7 电子及通信设备 19.0 电子及通信设备 16.6 电子及通信设备 15.2
2 化学原料及制品 9.7 电气机械及器材 9.9 通用设备制造 10.4 通用设备制造 12.4
3 普通机械制造业 8.3 服装及纤维制品 8.3 专用设备制造业 10.4 专用设备制造业 10.3
4 专用设备制造业 8.3 金属制品业 8.3 电气机械及器材 9.3 电气机械及器材 9.2
5 交通运输设备 8.3 仪器仪表 8.3 交通运输设备 6.6 交通运输设备 8.5
6 电气机械及器材 8.3 化学原料及制品 7.4 化学原料及制品 6.6 仪器仪表 7.4
7 纺织业 5.6 专用设备制造业 6.6 仪器仪表 6.2 化学原料及制品 6.7
8 医药制造业 5.6 饮料制造业 4.9 塑料制品业 5.8 塑料制品业 5.0
9 非金属矿物制品 5.6 普通机械制造业 4.1 医药制造业 5.0 医药制造业 4.2
10 金属制品业 5.6 医药制造业 3.3 金属制品业 4.3 金属制品业 4.2
合计 75 80.1 81.2 83.1



4 金桥出口加工区生命周期演化阶段

Fig.5 Model of Jinqiao EPZ life cycle

图5 金桥出口加工区生命周期模型


5 金桥出口加工区生命周期演化机制

Fig.6 Evolution mechanism of Jinqiao EPZ life cycle

图6 金桥出口加工区生命周期演化机制

5.1 生产成本上升和转型升级的需求

随着工业化进程的加速,金桥出口加工区面临土地、劳动力等要素资源的制约日益明显,转型升级成为发展的重点。近10 a来,金桥出口加工区所在的浦东新区职工平均工资年均增长17.9%,到2010年已3倍于全国平均水平。金桥出口加工区的土地成本大大高于内地出口加工区,而且可供开发的土地面积有限。生产成本上升使得劳动密集型企业生存难度显著增加,加上金桥出口加工区面临产业结构转型的需求,以劳动密集型行业为主的加工贸易将逐步让位于技术知识密集型产业,一批生产技术落后的企业遭到淘汰,并向区外转移,而竞争力较强的高新技术企业、跨国公司总部和研发机构逐渐集聚,金桥出口加工区内部投资门槛的增高也保证新引进的投资项目具有较高的生产效益和先进技术。

5.2 国际直接投资向服务化转变


5.3 中西部出口加工区的竞争作用


5.4 本地开发区间的产业联动


6 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Papadopoulos N, Malhotra S.Export Processing Zones in Development and International Marketing: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda[J]. Journal of Macromarketing,2007,27(2):148-161.Export processing zones (EPZs) are areas within developing countries that offer incentives and a barrier-free environment to promote economic growth by attracting foreign investment for export-oriented production. The number of zones internationally, countries hosting EPZs, and firms operating in them, and the business volume they handle, are all growing rapidly, suggesting their importance. Yet, business research on EPZs is virtually nonexistent, leading to poor understanding of their role in international marketing. This article draws from the literature in economics, macromarketing, and other disciplines to provide an integrative review of the concept. The authors then adopt a macromarketing perspective to develop a new definition of EPZs, typologies of free export zones and of their benefits for host nations and investors, and the notion of a “virtual network” of free zones as part of the international market system. The authors conclude by highlighting the need and potential directions for new research in this field.


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