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Location Determinants of Foreign Clustering Investment:An Empirical Research Based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis

  • WANG Qing-xi ,
  • XU Wei-xiang ,
  • ZHU Heng-fu
  • School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310023, China

Received date: 2012-03-14

  Request revised date: 2012-07-16

  Online published: 2012-12-20




FDI (foreign direct investment) location selection is an important subject in international economics and transnational business field. Following the seminal work of Dunning (1973), many researchers have been persisting in contributing to it. Such type of study is advanced along with related theoretical progress and changing circumstances of international economy, and has been far from ended yet. Today, FDI has evolved differently from its original form. One of its development trends is growing into foreign clustering investment (FCI) introduced in this article, which is agglomeration of foreign direct investment through industrial linkages. In comparison with traditional FDI, FCI has two distinctive characteristics, i.e., firm agglomeration and industrial linkages. This means that they may be different in location selection. With respect to FCI location determinants, extant literature has some shortcomings. For instance, little literature has listed location-specific attributes completely and identified their dimensions explicitly; most of literature has depended on second and aggregate data collecting at regional or industrial level. The aim of this study is to investigate latent dimensions of location-specific attributes and factors influencing location decision of foreign clustering investment, so it can be expected to make up for the defects of previous research to a certain extent. Under a review of extant literature, this study proposes that there are four dimensions constituting FCI determinants system, i.e., location conditions, inputs cost, firm agglomeration, and industrial linkages. Then this study put forward a 13-item measurement scale to capture the four dimensions. Through a survey of 106 foreign firms coming from three counties of Kunshan, Wujiang and Pinghu in Yangtze River delta, the confirmatory factor analysis confirms FCI determinant dimensions proposed above. The empirical results indicate that, in addition to traditionally location-specific and cost-driven factors, firm agglomeration and industry linkage should also be taken into consideration of location determinants of FCI. The implication of this study is that future studies should incorporate such dimensions as firm agglomeration and industry linkage into location determinants of FCI-type foreign direct investment, and then they can get relatively correct and complete results.

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WANG Qing-xi , XU Wei-xiang , ZHU Heng-fu . Location Determinants of Foreign Clustering Investment:An Empirical Research Based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2012 , 32(12) : 1439 -1443 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.012.1439

外商直接投资(FDI)区位选择是跨国经营领域重点关注的问题。随着经济全球化和地域化的推进,FDI的发展出现了新的动向,这直接导致了其在选择区位的时候,所考虑的因素与以前有所不同。本文利用企业层面的调查数据研究了FDI发展的一种特殊形式——外商群集投资(Foreign Clustering Investment,FCI)的区位决定因素。

1 FCI区位决定因素体系

1.1 FCI区位决定因素

Fetscherin等人总结出以下几个因素对于FDI在中国的区位选择相当重要:制度变迁和改革、集聚效应、经济发展程度、教育水平、工资成本和制度环境等[9]。魏后凯等人将影响外商投资区位选择的主要因素总结为:成本最小化、市场潜力、风险因素和集聚经济、其他因素[10]。刘作丽和贺灿飞将影响在华FDI 区位选择的主要因子归纳为:传统区位因子、制度文化因子和集聚经济因子[11]

1.2 FCI区位决定因素的结构体系及其测量量表

Fig. 1 Structure of FCI location determinants

图1 外商群集投资区位决定因素的结构体系

Table 1 Measurement scale of FCI location determinants

表1 外商群集投资区位选择因素测量量表

序号 测量项目 测量内容 文献来源
1 此地聚集有众多与本企业来源国相同的企业 同来源国企业集聚 [8,12,16,17,19]
2 有重要客户在此地设厂或经营 产业链下游联系 [18,19]
3 此地有本企业的主要原材料或零部件供应商 产业链上游联系 [18,19]
4 政策是否优惠 政策优惠 [7,9]
5 劳动力成本是否低廉 劳动力成本 [5,9,10]
6 土地价格是否便宜 土地成本 [10,11]
7 产品是否有好的市场 市场潜力 [6,7]
8 政府行为是否规范 政府服务水平 [9,11]
9 是否有较强的研发资源和人才优势 人力资本 [7,9]
10 是否有显著的地理区位优势 地理区位 [7,10]
11 交通与货物运输是否便利 交通与物流状况 [5,7]
12 市政基础设施是否完善 基础设施建设 [7,10]
13 中介服务体系(如金融、会计、培训、法律、贸易、物流等)是否完善 中介服务体系 [5,9]

注: 序号含义同图1

根据以上量表,笔者设计了调查问卷,选择外商群集投资特征明显的3个地区(产业)作为采样地点,分别是江苏省昆山市和吴江市的电子信息产业、以及浙江省平湖市的光机电产业。这3个地区(产业)素以外商群集投资闻名。如昆山台资企业以IT产品链条为中心形成了高度集聚,拥有3 100多家台资企业,投资总额370多亿美元。台湾6大笔记本电脑厂商均在昆山投资设厂,笔记本电脑年产量占世界的1/2,数码相机产量占全球的1/8。吴江自1993年开始着手构筑电子信息产业基地,经过十几年的发展,一个以台资为重点的电子信息产业基地已经形成。大到集成电路、线路板,小到各种电阻、绝缘塑片,已形成一个完整的电脑资讯产品工业体系。再如浙江平湖,形成了以日资为中心的光机电产业集群。平湖经济开发区现有外资企业近200家,其中,日本投资企业已达56家,包括日本JFE、日本电产等国际知名企业,台湾企业已经超过40家。
Table 2 sample description

表2 样本企业构成

投资地点 企业来源国(地区) 总计
台湾地区 日本 韩国 中国香港地区 新加坡 泰国 马来西亚 文莱
平湖 中间产品 2 9 1 0 12
最终产品 2 3 0 1 6
昆山 中间产品 34 2 2 2 2 1 43
最终产品 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
吴江 中间产品 18 2 5 4 2 0 31
最终产品 11 0 0 0 0 2 13

2 调查样本及验证性因子分析结果

Table 3 Results of confirmatory factor analysis on FCI location determinants

表3 FCI区位选择因素结构的验证性因子分析结果

因子项目 测量项目 标准化因子负载 C.R.值
区位条件因子 硬条件: 0.910 /
地理区位 0.933 /
交通运输 0.757 10.034***
市政设施 0.831 11.979***
软条件: 0.980 9.538***
产品市场 0.770 8.670***
政府行为 0.763 8.565***
中介服务 0.839 9.704***
研发人才 0.801 /
成本驱动因子 政策优惠 0.776 6.916***
劳力成本 0.831 7.266***
土地价格 0.688 /
企业集聚因子 同源集聚 1.0 /
产业关联因子 供应商 0.586 /
重要客户 0.703 3.955***
拟合指标 CMIN/DF=1.902, GFI=0.879, CFI=0.933, RMSEA=0.093


从以上验证性分析结果来看,各测量项目对应其潜在因子的负载系数均在0.01水平上显著,负载系数大多在0.7以上,只有少数如“供应商→产业关联” 、“土地价格→成本驱动”等负载系数稍低于0.7。因此,从因子负载的角度来看,各测量指标大多能有效地负载于其对应因子之上。同时,产业关联指标的负载情况不太理想,这表明,产业关联因子的测量项目需要改进,比如说指标设计得更为细致一点,以便得到更为聚合的测量效果。总体来看,模型的拟合性基本上成立,CFI在一般标准0.9以上,GFI也接近0.9,RMSEA尽管超出一般标准0.08但超出不多。考虑到本研究的样本量仅为106,这一状况尚可接受。如果能够增大样本量,相信结果将更为理想,这是后续研究需要注意的。

3 结 论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Fetscherin M, Voss H, Gugler P.30 Years of foreign direct investment to China: An interdisciplinary literature review[J]. International Business Review, 2010, 19(3): 235-246.<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The purpose of this paper is to examine how scholarly research on foreign direct investment (FDI) to the People's Republic of China has evolved and been shaped using bibliometrics analysis of 422 journal articles published in 151 journals between 1979 and 2008 on that topic. The literature is dominated by the fields of Economics, followed by Business and Management, Planning and Development and International Relations, which together account for 95% of all publications. Ten percent of the most productive journals are responsible for 40% of all publications and 63% of all citations received. By means of citation mapping, four main research streams have been identified: (1) the motives and determinants of FDI to China; (2) &lsquo;inside&rsquo; the multinational enterprise (MNE); (3) the impact of MNE activities; and (4) policy implications for the host country. Emerging research streams have been identified as the effects of inward FDI on (i) corporate social responsibility attitudes of domestic and foreign firms, (ii) environmental and climate issues, (iii) the institutional and societal transformation of China, and (iv) the emergence of Chinese MNEs and its impact on the operations of foreign MNEs in China.</p>


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刘作丽, 贺灿飞. 在华外商直接投资区位研究述评[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009, 28(6): 952~961.<p>尽管学术界至今未能形成一般性的外商直接投资(FDI)区位理论,但已有的大量研究却对加深理解FDI的区位选择规律做出了重要贡献。中国作为一个成功转型国家,在华FDI区位研究早已成为各界关注的热点问题之一。本文从区位理论和FDI理论两方面梳理FDI区位研究的理论基础后,回顾并评述了在华FDI区位研究进展,并提出了其未来发展中需要完善的相关命题。早期的研究以定性描述为主,从20世纪90年代中期开始转入利用计量经济模型对影响在华FDI区位选择的因素进行识别;研究主要集中在省区尺度,识别出的区位因子主要包括成本、市场、集聚和制度等。FDI在东道国的区位选择行为是&ldquo;区域&mdash;产业&mdash;企业&rdquo;共同作用的结果,在识别东道国区位要素的基础上,已有文献同时也关注了来源国效应、产业特征与企业属性和时间演化对FDI区位决策的影响。未来研究中需要加强对新兴经济体FDI区位模型的一般性讨论,强化&ldquo;区域&mdash;产业&mdash;企业&rdquo;系统研究,并关注基于功能视角的在华FDI(跨国公司)区位研究。</p>


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