Influence of Industrial Clusters on Economic Development in Japan and Its Revelation to Northeast China

  • Facuty of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024

Received date: 2002-12-20

  Revised date: 2003-03-18

  Online published: 2003-09-20


Although Japan is a small and developed country, its regional economic uneven development is not changed.Taking Location Theory as theoretical basis, traditional economic geography mainly explained the reasons of regional uneven development of Japan by analyzing the regional difference of some external factors, such as geographical locality, physical condition and resource, population distribution, market location, and so on, and it is still feeble in making the inner reasons clear.The author tries to strengthen the weakness of traditional economic geography in analyzing regional uneven development of Japan.In this paper, the author analyzed the basic situation of unevenly regional economic development in Japan firstly; then stated the main theoretical viewpoint of traditional economic geography and its explanation on the regional structure of uneven development in Japan; finally, using industrial clustering theory of new economic geography, the author analyzed the characteristics of Japanese industrial clusters development and the relation between them and regional economic development, basing on that the author concluded that the relationship between the situation of industrial clusters development and the regional economic development was closed:the number of castle town-style industrial districts was biggest in Japan, and these industrial districts played an important role in regional economic development in the past, their development used to be the main reason of forming the regional differences, such as income per capita, population density and economic density.But in the age of economic globalization, these industrial districts made the phenomena of "hollowing out" appear because the rapid growth of FDI of the big companies in it which resulted to decline its subcontractors of small and medium-sized enterprises and slow the growth of the related regions.Comparatively, the traditional production districts and urban industrial districts composed of small and medium-sized enterprises did not hollow out in the age of economic globalization and maintained growing to facilitat the development of the related regions.On the basis of the theoretical and practical study on the influence of industrial cluster on regional economy, this paper discusses the measures of promoting the industrial cluster development consequently to pull the economic development in Northeast China.

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YANG Xiao-Hui . Influence of Industrial Clusters on Economic Development in Japan and Its Revelation to Northeast China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003 , 23(5) : 542 -546 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.05.542


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