The paper studies the characteristic of the contribution and seasonal change of organic carbon isotope composition(δ13C) in the Pearl River. According to the δ13C value of C3, C4 plant and river suspended matter, we can discern the state of plant covered in different water and soil loss area. The water and soil loss area in the Dongjiang River basin was mainly grassland and cropland. The water and soil loss area in Beijiang River basin was lots of subtropical forests. The results indicated that we can discern the condition of plant covered in different basins. POC of Beijiang mainly originated from forest area and its carbon-isotope composition was affected by C3 plant. The carbon-isotope composition of Xijiang is between that of Beijiang and Dongjiang's. It indicated that the suspended matter was affected by C3 and C4 plant at the same time. And part of POC in Xijiang River originated from the soil covered by forest, some came from grassland and cultivated land.
WEI Xiu-Guo, SHEN Cheng-De, SUN Yan-Min, YI Wei-Xi
. Characteristic of the Organic Carbon-isotope Composition and Contribution of Suspended Matter in the Pearl River[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2003
, 23(4)
: 471
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2003.04.471
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