The authors explore the feature of placeness and spaciality, and re-explains the place theory and man-land relationship theory from the perspective of consumption geography, with a case study on the bars of Guangzhou, China, under the background of globalization.The paper adopts qualitative research methods, and relies on the third space theory and the production theory of space to conduct a survey on the bars.The authors hope that the research will contribute to the third space theory and the production theory of space, and extend the fields of consumption space from traditional object study to further subject study.The conclusions include that:1) Different from traditional dualistic analysis for man-land relationship, that is, the subject is always opposite to the object, the authors believe that the feature of placeness and spaciality can be observed in the bars from a view of adding on three dimensions:spatial practices, representations of space, and spaces of representation.2) The space construction in the bars of Guangzhou can be represented as a process of re-structuring which includes the native to the west, the modern native to the historical native, which shows integration in three dimensions of spatial practices, representations of space, and spaces of representation.As a place, the bar shows typical reflexivity.The different bar attracts different behavioral agents, and affects on their activities.But, the power discourse of behavioral agents is also involved in the significance system of bar space, and affects on the construction of bar space.3) The reflexivity is also reflected in place attachment, such as the complexity of identity and rejection, and power control in bar’s discourse.In the past research of place, the focus is mainly on the emotions of place attachment in different degrees and different types, so the analysis is only one-side.4) As a geographical space with subjectivity, the bar is a productive space, consumptive space, and flowing space.
LIN Geng, WANG Lian-Jun
. Placeness and Spaciality of Bar Under Globalization:Case of Guangzhou City, China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011
, 31(7)
: 794
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.07.794
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