
  • 1993 Volume 13 Issue 4
    Published: 20 July 1993

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  • Qiu Baojian
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    This paper makes comment on the article“The extent of tropical zone in China”in Vol.11,No.2 of this journal. The tropics,subtropics and temperate zone are divided by temperature indices.Temperature is only one of the climatic elements.Climatic zones are also divided by the other climatic elements.Their extents and borders are very different to each other.Many climatologists do not agree the temperature zones.It is difficult that all of biogeographers,pedogeographers and physical geographers agree to temperature zones. When subdividing physical geographical zone,it should be comprehensively considered to all factors of physical geography,especially the factor of climate.It is not enough to consider the factors of vegetation and soil. The author considers that thermophilous crop,such as rice can be cultivated in whole year,and tropical woody plants,such as rubber tree do not suffer from freeze in tropical zone.The northern boundary of tropical zone coincides with 15℃ isotherm of the coldest month,and 5℃ isotherm of the mean annual minimum.Because the winter monsoon is very strong and very cold in China,so the Chinese tropics situates in the edge of world tropics,its boundary line should not lie too north,but in north of Leizhou Peninsula.
  • Chen Guojie
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    The Changjiang River valley lies on the middle latitute zone of China,from the east through the west.It has location superiorities of connecting the east to the west and combining the south with the north,and the advantages of multiple ways for opening to the outside world by the coast,the river and the long border.For abounding with the varieties and quantities of natural resources,holding the favourable position of economy and making up forty percent of China’s industrial and agricultural total output value,it is one of the most quintessential economic areas and the best development zones in China according to its exploitation sthrength and potentiality. Unbalanced development in the valley is so obviously that it can be divided into three grades——the east including Shanghai City,Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces enjoys its advanced prestige;the middle including Anhui,Jiangxi,Hubei,Hunan and Sichuan provinces occupy the second position;and the west including Guizhou,Yunnan,Qinghai provivces and Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region remains backword.The differences between the three parts are displayed not only in the quantities and per capita level of GNP,but also in industrial structure and rural enterprises.
  • Li Yuehong, Zhang Zhengqiu
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    In this paper,the drought/flood indexes for the divisions in the Huanghe River Basin during the last 100 years (1891-1990) are analysed to reveal abrupt climatic change using the Mann-Kendall Test.It is found that there existed abrupt climatic change of drought/flood in 1910 and 1912 over the middle and lower reaches respectively,but no such obvious abrupt climatic change is found over the upper reaches.These facts show that there existed abrupt climatic changes of drought/flood for most parts of the basin during the 1910s,which were jumps from flood to drought phases.Meanwhile, it is should be pointed out that the jump was not non-local event in the basin.In addition,the possible reasons causing the jumps are discussed.By analysing the South Oscillation Index and the air temperature of the Northern Hemisphere using the same test, one can see that their abrupt changes occurred earlier than that of the drought/flood,indicating that these may be improtant background conditions for the event of abrupt climatic change of drought/flood.
  • Fei Hongping
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    Since the 1970s the studies of enterprise geography have become increasingly concerned with the spatial evolution of enterprises.However,little attention has so far been given to the spatial evolution of an enterprise in China.With China’s ongoing economic and political reform,a number of fundamental changes of enterprise behavior have occurred.These changes have certainly important influences on evolution of industrial location.Therefore,there is a need for examining the spatial evolution of an enterprise in China. The purpose of the paper is to review major models of both the growth and associated spatial evolution of an enterprise,with an illustrative case study from the Heavy Truck Enterprise Group of China.The paper is divided into three parts.The first examines the spatial growth and location adjustment of multi-plant enterprises,the second reviews major models of spatial evolution of an enterprise,and the third analyses the spatial evolution,over a period of time,of a representative sample of the Heavy Truck Enterprise Group in China,and illustrates the findings with case studies.It is suggested that the models of spatial evolution of an enterprise provide more evidence about micromechanism for evolution of macro-regional economic systems.
  • Yin Li, Feng Zhiqiang
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    International tourism has developed rapidly in recent years in China,and so has tourist map for international tourism.The international tourist map is designed majorly for overseas travelers.The map could be exploited to promote market with other measures,to guide the travel for overseas tourists,and also to undertake study and help to make the plan of international tourism industry for the tourism researchers and administration agencies. Inspite of the common points with domestic tourist map the international tourist map is really quite different from the domestic map and has its own characters of compilation.The elements of base map are simplified to stress the major features of geographic environment,especially those related to the tourism.The selection of thematic contents should fully consider the interest and preference of overseas tourists,the recommended tourist lines and points by travel agencies,and the scale,type,and use of the map.Besides,related information,such as international air routes,transport timetable, festivals,introduction to cities or scenic spots,could be presented with the diagrams, scripts,photos,paintings. The design of the map should be oriented to a high standard.Symbols,colors, fonts,and map layout should be designed to make the map nice to look,attractive to read,practical to use,and precious to reserve.The hill shading,landscape sketch,real shape symbol are usually exploited to make map vivid. The advent of computer mapping,electronic map and series mapping are the direction of future map research and compilation.
  • Jia Rongfen, Lin Benhai
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    This paper describes the preliminary research on lipids from So to L9 loess—paleosol sequence of Duanjiapo section near Xi’an,which include total organic matter content, lipid characteristics and magnetite of organic matter. The loess has a low content of organic matter (<1.5%),its content and nature are related to environment states.The natural vegetation thrives when climate is warm/humid and the content of organic matter is high.When it is dry/clod,the natural vegetation is sparse and scattered and the content of organic matter is low.Therefore,the content is a reflection of the biomass. The content curve of organic matter is similar to fine silt fraction (<1μm)curve. Muhivalent cations link organic colloids of each other and to clays to form aggregates.This organo-sih fraction also appears to be highly resistant to degradation of organic matter.It changes the soil geochemical environment to one which is conductive to the formation of soil magnetite.The majority of organic matter was formed by natural vegetation decomposition during pedogenesis.This is an integrated environment,with small areas where reduction occurs.But the whole system is generally in one state of oxidization.
  • Chen Baochong
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    The general form of the North-branch of the Changjiang River mouth has changed greatly due to the change of the main stream lines of the Nantong reach of the Changjiang River and the influence of human activities. By the 1930s,the main stream lines of the Nantong reach of the Changjiang River has shifted to the Tongzhousha west channel.The North-branch at the Changjiang River mouth has become atrophic because of Tongzhousha east channel’s deposition.After 1958,Tonghaisha and Jiangxinsha were exploited.And in 1970 the North-branch of Jiangxinsha was blocked up.All these things make the water of the North-branch more difficult to pass through.It leads to the decline of the total discharge percentage of the North-branch.And it causes the rising-tide to go back to the South-branch.However, since 1978,with the development of Tongzhousha east channel and its left bank being scoured,the water amount of entering the North-branch is increasing.And the water, load and salt of going back to the South-branch is becoming less.A series of plans to regulate and exploit the North-branch have been put forward but each one has its weakpoint except the plan of making the river channel at Lianxingang narrow,It can prevent the water,load and salt from going back to the South-branch.And at the same time it can also keep up the normal natural and social environment.Undoubtedly,it is the best way to regulate and exploit the North-branch.
  • Ma Xuehui, Lü Xianguo, Yang Qing
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    Based on the present literature at home and abroad and the data of observing atmospheric carbon dioxide near the surface of the marsh in the Sanjiang Plain,the carbon dioxide concentration fluctuates obviously.Oceans have ability to absorb,store and transfer atmospheric carbon dioxide.The carbon budget between the ocean and the atmosphere would be approximately unbalanced.The major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide is the ocean,forest and marsh.Plants transfer atmospheric carbon dioxide and water into organic matter by photosynthesis.The respiration and the decomposition of animals and plants emit carbon dioxide into atmosphere.There are clear daily and yearly changes of carbon dioxide concentration in the ecosystems. M.H.calculated the change of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from Cambrian period.Because of the increase of burning fossil fuels,atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration raised 25 percent than before the industry revolution,which affects global climatic and environmental changes.It is essential to legislate to control the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • Wang Jici
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    This essey is concerned with the role of transportation in high-tech industrial location.The paper is divided into three sections.The first section analyses the characteristics of high-tech production,suggests that transportation consideration be not neglected in high-tech industrial development and location.The second section discusses the different transportation needs in various stages of high-tech product life-cycle,approaches the selection of transportation mode.The third section expounds the transportation needs of science parks and technopolis.It is concluded that the evidence from the foreign studies on transportation needs of high-technology does offer some help in enhancing our understanding of the construction of high-tech and new-tech industrial parks in China.
  • Li Ribang, Yuan Piye, Wang Wuyi, Tan Jianan, Ju Shanjian
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    The prevalence of Keshan disease and the ecological environment in three villages of Hulun Buir League,Inner Mongolia where Keshan disease was severely prevalent,were monitored for three years(1987-1989).A non-affected village was selected for control. Keshan disease incidence came down during those three years.The average incidence decreased from 16.23% in the spring of 1987 to 14.78% in the winter of 1987.But the hair Se appeared rising trend.There is a negative correlation between the decrease of Keshan disease incidence and the increase of hair Se.The ecological environment of affected areas is still in low Se situation.Low Se in food of affected areas leads to low Se flux in human beings,which is the main reason for low hair Se in affected areas.
  • Yang Lingbin, Luan Xiaohong, Sun Lihua
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    The paper uses the method of qualitative analysis,combined with quantitative study,brings the constitution features and the law of regional distribution of the forest in the Changbai Muuntain to light.It discusses the relations hetween the forest and precipitation,the forest and runoff,erosion etc.,and compares with the achievements of other countries,sums up some models and results in the sense of theory and practice. After all,it provides scientific basis for the rational development and construction in the Changbai Mountain.
  • He Dongning, Zhao Hongbin, Zhang Dongshan, Nian Kui, Wang Bin
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    The characteristics of the four sand-land regions,and their mineral components, salt and nutrient of the sand samples,and the moisture of the different parts of the dunes,as well as the tendency of the sandidification are analysed by using the date from field survey and remote sensing in Qinghai Lake basin.The speed of the sandification is different from each other in the four sand-land regions.The sand-land types are of diversiform in the basin.The area of the sand-land was 436.84,484.59,712.26km2 respectively in 1956,1972,1986.The mineral components of sand are quartz,feldspar and carbonate and so on.The contents of salt and untrient in different parts of dunes are similar in the eastern region of Qinghai Lake,but the moisture is remarkably different. The sandification speeds were 9.18,3.01,16.24km2/a respectively in 1956-1968,1968-1972,1972-1986.The sandification of the eastern sand-land is toward the Riyue Mountain location on the east of the lake,while that of the Bird Island is toward the NE direction.