
  • 1994 Volume 14 Issue 1
    Published: 20 January 1994

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  • Wong Qihao
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    In the Zhujiang River Delta,the origins and propagation of different kinds of culture have close relations to its climatic change, especially to its sea-land change in Holocene. These relationships are shown in three respects.-(1)Different kinds of culture such as fishing-gathering culture,hunting-gathering culture,horticultural culture and rice-growing culture,show the environmental charac-teristics at that time. The environmental change resulted in the cultural evolution.(2)The rise of horticultural culture and rice-growing culture had different cultural ecological factors, and they were not a successive developing process.(3)The environmental change promoted the propagation of the late primitive cul-ture and the rice-growing culture,and the formation of the late primitive cultural district and the rice-growing cultural district. Although these two cultural districts had different characteristics since they were in different periods, they had one common ground, i. e. they were all hydrophilous culture of the tropics and the subtropics.
  • Zhao Rui, Zhao Hong, He Longhua, Gu Qijun, Yang Hailang
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    The study on the fractal of the Minjiang River system and the cancer fractal of Tai-hu Lake reveals that rivers,water systems and social economic phenomena have fractal features,showing the merits of fractal dimension and quantitatively describing geograph-ic phenomena. And the application of fractal features to remote sensing image processing can reach the goal of information compressing and reconstituting image accuracy. These experiments show that fractal theory is very useful to geographic research.
  • Wen Yanmao, Zeng Shuiquan, Pan Shurong, Luo Yuzhen
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    Twenty-eight soil profiles studied were collected from the eastern China. They be-long to brown soil,drab soit,yellow brown soil,brown limestone soil and red limestone soil. The concentrations of Ca,Mg in soils decrease and the concentrations of Fe,Al,Zn, Pb,Cd and Hg increase from north to south. There is no significant correlation between the element concentrations and soil organic matter contents. Statistically there is a most significant positive correlation between the concentrations of Ca,Mg and pH,while there is a most significant negative correlation between the concentrations of Fe,Zn,Cd and pH,and a significant negative correlation between Pb concertration and pH. There is a most significant negative correlation between concentrations of Ca,Mg and clay content, and a most significant positive correlation between Fe,Al,Zn,Pb,Cd,Hg and clay con-tent. The concentrations of Ca,Mg decrease,and Fe Al,Zn,Pb,Cd and Hg increase in the processes of acidification and clayization accompanied with the increase in tempera-ture and rainfall.
  • Wei Yehua, Laurence J. C. Ma
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    Regional allocation of state investment has been essential to China’s regional devel-opment. This paper attempts to reveal and interpret regional changes of capital con-struction investment in state-owned enterprises in China from 1952 to 1990. The study reveals that balanced regional development and defense consideration as well as industri-alization of the country influenced the allocation of state investment in the pre-reform period. Since the mid-1970s,however, unbalanced development and maximum efficiency has greatly influenced spatial development policy. This study has found that the pat-terns of capital construction investment in different regions differed markedly in differ-ent periods. Currently, investment preference has been shifted to the coastal regions and the eastern provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Liaoning, and Shanghai and Beijing.
  • Zhang Yangcai, Ye Yifang
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    This paper studies weather-climate features and laws of spatial and temporal distri-bution of night rains and advances the decrease or disappearance of topographic effect gradually with the rise of elevation and the night rainfall more than daytime rainfall in the middle-lower layers in mountainous regions. The more night rainfall is caused prin-cipally by both rainfall hours and rainfall density. The phenomenon of "clear in daytime and rain at night"appears in some mountains and altitudes. The night rain appears prin-cipally in growing seasons, especially in April to May of spring sowing and in July to August of autumn crop in the milk-filling and milk stage. According to the meteorologi-cal data(1989-1990) from stations in different sloping positions and altitudes above sea level. Monthly rainfall of both daytime and night and the rain days in mountainous re-gions in the western part of subtropical zone were counted. The night rain resources will become an important basis for preventing drought countermeasures in mountainous re-gions in the western part of subtropical zone.
  • Hu Shuangxi
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    Both the Xinglong Mountain and the Maxie Mountain are situated in the temperate desert steppe zone of semiarid region in the northwest part of the Loess Plateau. There is a distinct height difference in mountain areas, and the soil association of the vertical zonality is very complicated. South slope: the base zone, is sierozem, the upward are Heilu soil zone, chernozem zone, alpine meadow soil zone (i.e. frost-sod soil,the same below)succesively. North slope; the soil pedigree are sierozem zone, Heilu soil zone, grey cinnamon soil zone, subalpine meadow soil zone(i. e. cryosol,the same below) and alpine meadow soil zone from the lower to the upper.The abovementioned soil types can be generalized into three groups: Calcic aridisols-sierozems; ustic isohumic soil-Heilu soil,cherozem,grey cinnamon soil; Al-tocryic isohumic soil-subalpine meadow soil and alpine meadow soil.
  • Zhang Xiaoping
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    The environmental background values of 13 elements of Hg,As,Se,Cr ,Mn,V,Pb, Cd,Zn,Cu,Ni,F and Co in Xizang soils are obtained through analyzing and determining 205 samples of surface soils in Xizang and the final data processing. The background val-ues of these elements are compared with those of the corresponding elements in the whole China,U. S. A and Alaska. It is found that the background values of major ele-ments in Xizang soils are higher than the average level of the whole China. The compari-son of background values between Alska and U. S. A shows a similar result. This is be-cause both Xizang and Alaska have a cold climate. Meanwhile, the factor correlation analysis of 13 elements in Xizang soils,organic matter,soil granularity and pH values of Xizang soils are carried out,and R-type cluster analysis is made for these 13 elements.
  • Zhu Cheng, Arturo E. Corte
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    The west side of the Central Andes Mountains is relatively warm and humid, its pariglacial zone is narrow and periglacial type is few;the east side vice versa. Pingos,pal-sas are main features of the Puna Plateau between 22?-25癝;gelifluction lobes,rock glacier, sorted circle and nets as well as numerous periglacial types exist in the per-mafrost region between 33?-35癝. Rock glaciers here can be divided into two types: cryogenic and glacigenic types, the latter has a glacier ice core and a subpermafrost aquifer. The periglacial distribution difference which exists between the east and west sides is caused by different climates.The distribution of rock glacier terminal and permafrost lower boundary are regu-larly of "latitudinal gradient "in the world, that is, from 25癝 southward on the southern hemisphere,the rock glacial terminal and the permafrost lower boundary descend 1000m or so with latitude increasing 10?,but the elevation only decrease 200~400m from 25癝 northward. In the northern hemisphere, from 45癗 northward to the elevation descends only 500m or so ,but from-45癗 southward it decreses 1500m and more.
  • Wang Zhenzhong, Hu Juelian, Zhang Youmei, Zheng Yunyou, Wu Zhifeng, Chen Caifang, Deng Jifu, Guo Yongcan, Yan Hengmei, Lai Qin
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    Qingshuitang is a new industrial area of Hunan Province. And there are lots of met-allurgical and chemical factories. The soil is polluted by heavy metal pesticide and chemi-cal fertilizers in different: degrees,in which heavy metals are major pollutants. Because of the accumulation of heavy metal elements such as As,Hg,Cd,Zn,Pb,Cu in soils,the kinds and amounts of soil animals are sharply decreased. The composition and ecological distribution of soil animal; community are obviously negatively correlated with the con-centrations of heavy metals. Especially,the earthworm is capable of enriching heavy met-als, but as the increase of the concentrations of heavy metals,its .kind is distinctly de-creased.
  • Bao Weimin
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    In modelling of sediment yields,the effects of time-variation of geomorphotgic and geologic factors on soil erosion were generally neglected. Errors of this neglection affect-ed the sediment yield models obviously. In this paper,a revised universal soil erosion e-quation was selected, the effects of errors of this neglection on it were tested by non-parametric hypothetical test method of Kolmogorov-Smirnov for a 22-year period within 21 catchments of the middle Huanghe River region,and the results show that the effects of errrors of this neglection on soil erosion were not significant,at 5% probability level.
  • Wang Naiang
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    According to the evolution of natural environment and the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in the Cenozic, the forming process of East Asia monsoon can be dividedinto four stages. 1. No-monsoon stage. In the Eogene period before the uplift of the plateau, there was no monsoon circulation in East Asia, therefore the climate in the area at that time should be the planetary winds. 2. Quasimonsoon stage. In the Neogene pe-riod when the plateau reached about 1000m, the positions and areas of Eurasia were as the same as those at present, and the quasimonsoon in East Asia began to form at that time. 3. Maritime monsoon stage. In the early period of the Quaternary the altitude of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was about 2000m, which made the summer monsoon of East Asia strong, and the climate in the area at that time was warmer and moister than that at present. 4. Continental monsoon stage. In 1, OMaB. P. the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau reached about 3000m, which made the winter monsoon stronger than the summer mon-soon in East Asia and the environmental evolution in the area tend to drier and colder, and the modern circulation pattern of continental monsoon in the area has formed since the middle period of the Quaternary.
  • Lin Bingyao
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    The paper expounds the evolution of planning patterns of a city and a county in Chi-na, the new characteristics of planning background since the 1980s, and the defect of existing planning patterns of a city and a county, at last proposes some conceptions on new planning patterns, such as the change of planning contents and procedures, the deepening of planning directions of different districts, the application of modern plan-ning techniques, and the strengthening of planning individuality.