researchers of America have been studying the spatial mismatch between housing and employment for more than thirty years. However, it is just begining in China. Along with the urbanization and suburbanization of China, the spatial mismatch has already appeared in some big cities in China, such as Beijing and Shanghai. Although the essential of the spatial mismatch is uniform, the reason, the form and the exhibition of the spatial mismatch are different compared to overseas research. This paper makes both a macroscopical and a microcosmic analysis on the spatial mismatch between housing and employment in Beijing. On the macroscopical level, this paper makes Beijing as a whole and analyses the spatial mismatch in different area in virtue of spatial mismatch index(SMI) in 1982, 1990 and 2000; On the microcosmic level, this paper uses questionnaire to study the time, distance, manner and cost of commute of urban fringe inhabitant. It was found that, on the macroscopical level, the SMIs of different regions in Beijing are different, and so are their changes. The phenomenon is not evident before 1990, the SMIs of 1982 and 1990 are respectively 3.13 and 1.98, from then on it grows faster to 16.81 in 2000 by the rate of 1.48 point every year. The SMIs of the center of the city are low, also grow smoothly and slowly still less than 1 in 2000. The SMIs of the eight regions grow faster in the twenty years, and the rate of the 1990s is about eight times as many as of the 1980s. Meanwhile, a trend was found that the employment keeps away from the resident, while the resident runs for the employment, and the intensity of the spatial mismatch lies on which is much stronger. If the action of the employment is much stronger, then the employment runs away from the residential area, and the spatial mismatch will be strengthened. Otherwise, if the action of population movement is much stronger, people runs for the employment, and the spatial mismatch will be lightened. On the microcosmic level, the research found that the proportion of commuter works locally and handly is very low. While more than half of the commuters travel from 10 to 40 km everyday, it cost more than one hour, and the manners of traffic are mostly bus, subway and private car. The growth of distance and time does not accordingly bring the growth of the cost, the cost of about half of the commuters is less than100 yuan (RMB). The spatial mismatch brings little economic pressure, however, it brings long-time cost and spirit-consume along that. The spatial mismatch between housing and employment in Beijing has brought forth a series of problems, except for what we mentioned. Hereinbefore, there still exists a lot questions, such as seeing a doctor and children’s education, they are also segregated from information and employment chances away from the center of the city. Community polarization already exists, community space polarization appears, so it is very important to study the mismatch problem in this background.
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