符号; 居住郊区化; 消费; 表征; 广州
Focused on the phenomenon of consumption mismatch during the process of residential suburbanization in Guangzhou, this paper re-explains the reason from the perspective of symbolic analysis in consumption sociology. The theatricalization, fashionalization, and functionality for constructing the consumer’s social identity of consumer space symbolizes the Beijing Road as an advanced business center. Apparently, Tianhe Business Center also has become a consumer space to help consumer’s affective reaction for self-realization due to the symbolic representation function of modern shopping center. Both of them reconstructed the relationship of urban core-periphery area, and formed a symbolic consumption rule which is separated and paralleled from original economic rule. During the process of residential suburbanization in Guangzhou, on one hand, a suburbanized lifestyle emerged as a symbolic commercial product and catered for the taste for exquisiteness in housing market; on the other hand, the different demands of residents can not be met well except routine shopping in suburbs and people still go to urban central area to satisfy themselves for entertainment, image appeal and quality culture, because advanced business center is absent for a long time although there has a large population. Influenced by core-periphery model, the residential function was developed but commercial function was restricted in suburbs, so advanced modern retailing center can hardly exist. In recent years, the system of rail rapid transit is being constructed and it will further intensify the interaction between urban core-periphery area. Around the Tianhe Road, a more large-scale commercial conglomerate is being formed and it supposed to reduce the possibility of same functional business center in suburbs. With the development of rail rapid transit, urban business center will have more attractions for shops and consumers and the symbolization will be strengthened by the sequent new-developed type of operation—underground commercial culture. Urban consumer space will have a tendency of evolution to a stronger polarization.
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