Contents of total nitrogen and nitrogen forms in surface and subsurface soils with eight different plant communities in Xianghai Wetland were measured and analyzed in order to study the spatial distribution characteristics of all nitrogen forms in marsh soils with different plant communities. Results showed that total nitrogen in marsh soils was dominantly composed with organic nitrogen. There were highest contents of total nitrogen in surface soils with Salix rosmarinifolia community, while lowest in the surface soils with Sparganium stotoniferum community. However, as for subsurface soils, the highest or lowest contents of total nitrogen appeared in Typha orietalia community and Suaeda acuca community, respectively. Nitrogen contents in surface and subsurface soils were higher in plant communities with deeper root system than those with shallower root system. Inorganic nitrogen in those soils mainly consisted of nitrate nitrogen for Polygonum hydropiper community, while ammonium nitrogen for other plant communities. Correlation analysis showed total nitrogen and organic nitrogen were significantly positively correlated with soil organic matter, but they showed significantly negative correlations with soil pH values.
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