The northeast old industrial base of China is the industrial system mainly composed of the industrial projects that China placed in the three provinces of Northeast China with emphasis during "First Five-Year" and "Second Five-Uear" period. On its way of developing resources-based heavy industry, this industrial base incubated the growth of the urban agglomerations in Northeast China at the same time of establishing the huge heavy industrial system. Urban agglomeration refers to the city aggregation formed by certain amount of cities with different scales, different grades, different or similar character and type within certain geographical scope. At present, there are three large urban agglomerations, namely urban agglomeration Central Southern Liaoning Province, urban agglomeration in central Jilin, in urban agglomeration Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar and northeast Heilongjiang, and other local urban agglomerations in Northeast China.Urban agglomerations in Northeastern China grow along with the construction, formation and development of the old industrial base. Up to present time, basic urban functions formed in the construction period of the old industrial base have been still remained in most cities of Northeast China. Though the allocation relation, the supply and sale relation formed in planned economy were broken down within and between those urban agglomerations, situations of the coordinating and stable relation with market being the impetus, element flows and industrial division being the principal part have not been established. Impacted by the decline of the old industrial base, those urban agglomerations still have obvious structural and functional problems. This kind of situation has somewhat become the bottleneck of revitalizing the northeast old industrial base. Based on the above-mentioned knowledge, this paper puts forward that urban agglomerations in Northeast China should adjust structures and optimize functions, focusing on the task of revitalizing the old industrial base and aiming at new-type industrialization and new-type urbanization. Urban agglomeration in Central and southern Liaoning Province should strengthen benefit mechanism and efficiency mechanism in the meanwhile of continuing the development of heavy industry and equipment manufacturing; urban agglomeration in central Jilin should consolidate industrial relation at the same time of sticking to the development of automobile industry and emerging industries; urban agglomeration in Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar and northeast Heilongjiang should lay emphasis on resources-substitute industry and emerging industries. In the process of structural adjustment and function optimization, those agglomerations should also enhance interior urban function division, accelerate grads transfer of industrial structure and product structure, weaken the vertical administrative relation between cities of different grades and strengthen the horizontal relation of cities of the same grades, establish virtuous competitive relation and cooperative relation between different urban agglomerations, so to offer spatial carrier for the adjustment of the old industrial base and the economic development of Northeast China.
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