The dramatic land use/land cover change(LUCC) is a fundamental characteristic during urbanization which has a strong impact on urban ecosystem and environmental quality. In this paper we used Landsat TM images of two periods (1986 and 2003) covering Hexi area of Nanjing City as a basis to quantify the changes of land use and cover. We used transfer matrix, transfer probability and transfer proportion to explain the changes of land use in Hexi areas.In addition, we built models to calculate the capability of flood detention which can explain the effects of land-use changes on water regulation function of regional soil cover. The result showed that the main characteristics of land use changes in the studied areas were predominantly the conversion of other land uses to build and roads with sealed surface, and the transformation of paddy field to vegetable cropland. During this land use changes, the water storage capacity dropped drastically and amounted to 5.50?106 m3, which equaled to 86mm water depth. However, the contribution by soil compaction was only 31.2?103 m3, which accounted only 0.54% of the total capacity loss. The study showed that an environmentally-sound soil management, especially reducing surface sealing in urban area was essential in building an ecological friendly city.
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