At present, as an important scale in the research field of GIS, community is attracted to many scholars. One of the hot spots to study is residential environment. Based on this, method integrated with GIS, spatial data analysis and grid computing to study community’s residential environment were proposed in this paper for knowledge discovery of spatial pattern. Selecting 131 streets in downtown of Shanghai as samples, firstly, 23 indices were chosen and fuzzy BP model was used to evaluate the quality of residential environment, secondly, spatial exploring analysis including global and local analysis was used. Several conclusions were drawn: community’s residential environment is influenced by different variables, which will result in special pattern in the space. In old core urban area, overall residential environment is general lower than other periphery area mainly for higher population density and too less vegetation coverage; on the other hand, due to the relationship between the variables, residential environment shows local dissimilarity and global similarity. Finally, according to the spatial autocorrelation of residential environment among the communities, strategies for planning the layout of communities were put forward in this paper.
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