In this paper, an ancient diary named Xiangqilou Diary, which was written by Wang Kaiyun during 1869-1916 in the area around Changsha and Hengyang in Hunan Province where he lived, has been dug out. By using of the daily weather recordation in the diary, a series of average precipitation days of every ten days in summer-half-year (Apr.-Sep.) from 1869 to 1916 around Changsha and Hengyang, as well as series of precipitation days of every penta-day(5 days)during June to July, can be reconstructed. After comparing with meteorological observation data in Changsha (1951-1980), it is found that the end of Meiyu period (the third penta-day in July) was about two penta-days(10 days) later than present, and the length of Meiyu period (20-30 days) was about ten days longer. According to phenological recordation on cicada in the diary, the average date when cicada first sang around Changsha and Hengyang was the 30th June. Compared to the modern phonological data, the date was later than Changsha and Hengyang, while similar to several cities along the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, such as Shanghai, which are now in the core area of rainbelt of Meiyu in the eastern China. Consequently, climate during Meiyu period of the two has some similar characters, especially temperature and precipitation. In conclusion, during the second half of the 19th century to the early 20th century, Meiyu was more typical than present around Changsha and Hengyang, which means the area might be much liker to the core area of rainbelt of Meiyu, and the location of rainbelt of Meiyu then was about 1?-2? south to nowadays.
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