测制西藏拉萨桑达乡第四系剖面,系统采集并分析植硅体样品,根据植硅体的形态分类及组合、温暖指数等特征,划分为5个植硅体组合带:Ⅰ为齿型-平滑棒型、石屑型、网脊块状,反映气温温凉;Ⅱ为长方型-平滑棒型、多面体型,气候转暖;Ⅲ为长方型、齿型-平滑棒型组合带,气候干旱; Ⅳ为长方型-亚铃型、齿型-平滑棒型、多面体型组合带,气候温暖潮湿;Ⅴ为齿型、帽型-平滑棒型、多面体型、石屑组合带,显示气候寒冷。探讨拉萨桑达地区第四纪古植被 、古环境。
Based on the section plane of Quaternary system at Sangda Village in Lhasa, Tibet, this paper analyses the phytolith characteristics such as morphological classification, combination character, warmth index and divides five assemblage zones. First assemblage zone is tooth model-smooth bar model, chip model, and muri block, reflecting the temperature of warm-cool. Second, the phytolith characteristic is rectangular model-smooth bar model, polyhedron model, it reflects the climate getting warmer. Thirdly, it is rectangular model, tooth model-smooth bar model, showing the climate drought; the next assemblage zone is rectangular model-dumbbell model, tooth model-smooth bar model, and polyhedron model, reflecting the weather getting warmer and dampness. Lastly, the phytolith characteristic is tooth model, cap model-smooth bar model, polyhedron model, and chip model, showing the climate getting colder. The study of morphological classification and combination could be applied for palaeoenvironment and paleo-vegetations of the Quaternary in the Sangda village, Lhasa area.
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