Agriculture tourism is such a style of tourism which depends on agricultural resources and county landscape including culture, ecology, settlement, farming activities, agriculture display, countryside sight-seeing, folk custom, leisure, entertainment. Meizhou, in the north-east mountainous part of Guangdong Province, is an under-developed area. The Meizhou agriculture tourism, based on agricultural manor and driven by the successful three-highs (namely, high output, high quality, high efficiency) sightseeing agriculture, experienced the following three stages: the embryonic section, the growing-up section and the flourishing section, and now it has been the mainstay and famous brand of Meizhou tourism. The Meizhou agriculture tourism resources are rich and of high level, which mainly reflected on such points as development model towards diversification, various products, scenic spots with high quality, local tourism spreading within province, mature holiday market for leisure and self-driving tourism market. The agricultural tourism with dominant position has been the main force in the tourism industry in Meizhou. However, there are still some problems: aimless development, lack of scientific plan, its product with low level, extensive management with the product-oriented features, traffic condition and tourism infrastructure urgently including. So, the awareness of agricultural tourism planning development should be strengthened, tourism resources be scientifically developed, agricultural tourism environment be improved, the level of agricultural tourism management be enhanced, and agricultural tourism policy be positively conducted. Surveying actual condition of the agriculture tourism in Meizhou, summarizing its characteristics, analyzing its problems in its development and discussing how to promote its healthy and sustainable development will generate positive help to three-highs agriculture and sustainable tourism in the under-developed mountainous area.
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