以社区家庭为视角,建立基于利益导向的社区旅游参与水平测度指标,以皖南古村落西递、宏村、南屏为实证研究对象,揭示了古村落社区旅游参与度异同及其影响机理。研究结果表明:① 古村落内部、古村落之间的旅游参与度均有不同程度的差异,归因为家庭微观因子与社区中观因子交互作用所致。② 通过家庭微观因子对家庭人均旅游收入影响的通径系数分析,得出三个景区相应的直接通径系数和间接通径系数,发现古村落家庭微观因子的影响方向趋同而影响程度分异,与问卷调查结果分析的一致性也显示了该方法的较强解释力和潜在应用价值。③ 提高古村落社区旅游参与整体水平、缓解参与度空间差异的根本途径在于"让利于民",增强社区分利能力,政府在其中扮演着重要的引导角色。
This study attempts to build measurement index of level of community tourism participation based on the benefit from the perspective of family after setting up probable influencing factors. Taking examples of ancient villages including Xidi, Hongcun and Nanping in South Anhui, levels of tourism participation of community and their formation mechanism are analysed. The results indicate that: 1) The differences of level of tourism participation within each ancient village and between ancient villages are owing to interactive impact between family micro-factors and community middle-factors. 2) According to direct path coefficient and indirect path coefficient, we find that influencing directions of family micro-factors are the same while their influencing extents are different. This is accorded with the result of questionnair so strong interpreting power and potential application value of this method are proved. and 3) the main means of improving level of tourism participation of community and weakening its spatial difference are to give benefit to residents and strengthen the ability for getting benefit, and in this course, government should play a leading role.
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