基于广东省785家中小企业问卷调查和访谈的第一手资料,揭示广东省中小企业技术创新行为特征,分析区域创新环境的障碍与前景,剖析中小企业技术创新与区域经济发展的互动关系,给出提高中小企业技术创新能力的对策建议。研究表明:① 近年来广东省中小企业技术创新活动活跃,企业的R&D投入水平相对较高,创新产出绩效一般;企业的技术创新战略以合作战略和模仿战略为主。② 供应商和客户在创新网络中扮演重要角色。③ 提高自身的技术、管理水平是中小企业对外技术合作的主要动因,缺乏高素质劳动力和新技术是制约广东创新活动的重要因素;多数企业对广东创新环境的前景持乐观态度,珠江三角洲仍是其未来新项目投资的首选地。④ 中小企业技术创新能力与区域经济发展水平在数量上呈现显著的相关性,在空间上具有耦合性。
Based on the data analysis of materials collected from 785 question-and-answer surveys in Guangdong ,the paper obtains some main characteristic of technology innovation within Small and middle enterprises (SMEs) and regional environment and draws some conclusions as follow: 1) Technology innovative ability of those SMEs in Guangdong has gained a significant improvement, at the same time, innovation output performance such as patent level is pool; 2) Most of the SMEs choose cooperation strategy and simulated strategy as their own technology innovative strategy; 3) Supplied merchant and custom play an important role in innovative network, but high school, research institution and agency service institution have less role; 4) To improve technology and administration level is the main innovative motivation for those SMEs, but the shortage of skilled work force, new technology and law environment is the restricted condition of Guangdong innovative environment ; 5) Most of the SMEs hold optimism attitude for Guangdong Province and think that Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is their first choice for industrial investment in future.
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