

  • 中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广东, 广州 510275
朱 竑(1968- ),男,甘肃人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事文化旅游方面教学与研究.E-mail:eeszhh@mail.sysu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2007-12-13

  修回日期: 2008-04-18

  网络出版日期: 2008-09-20



Space Distribution Structure of A-grade Scenic Spot in China

  • School of Geography Sciences and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275

Received date: 2007-12-13

  Revised date: 2008-04-18

  Online published: 2008-09-20


旅游景区是地球表面上一类特殊的景观类型,而A级旅游景区则是具有中国特色的旅游等级分类系统。它的设立和评比对中国旅游产业的发展业已发挥巨大的作用。且自旅游景区评A以来,随着各级政府的日趋重视,旅游景区评A在全国得到广泛认同,进而使A级旅游景区分布的格局发生显著变化。以现有2 286个中国A级旅游景区的数据资料为基础,分析了其分布特征及变化规律。研究发现,看似毫无组织的全国A级旅游景区其实是有其内在的空间分布规律性的。它两端稠密、中间稀疏的整体分布格局是伴随着中国旅游景区的发展而逐渐形成的。无论是在空间组织上还是在时间演变上,A级旅游景区都与人口分布、地形地势间存在着密切的关联性和配比性。虽然中国31个省份的A级旅游景区分布情况各有差异,但其组成结构仍然具有较高的相似性,而且越来越呈现出不断分散的趋势。总体看,中国各省份都存在着旅游景区的组团形态,但这并不能阻止中国A级旅游景区向无序化方向发展。研究对目前中国A级景区的分布状况与资源间的错位问题及未来发展的趋势等进行了讨论。


朱竑, 陈晓亮 . 中国A级旅游景区空间分布结构研究[J]. 地理科学, 2008 , 28(5) : 607 -615 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.05.607


Scenic spot is a special scenic style on the surface of the earth.The A-grade scenic spot is a tourist ranking classifiable system with Chinese characteristics and is a national standard of comprehensive evaluation about scenic spot quality and grade in China.The instauration and appraisement of A-grade scenic spot make a great contribution to the development of tourist industry and have a significant impact on marketing, the image of the establishment of tourist destination, tourist perceptive and the economic benefits and so on in the process of tourism development because of the different levels.Given the label of A-grade to the scenic spot has not only been recognized by market but also been widely accepted in China from the beginning since the scenic spot was appraised with all levels governmental regard in everywhere, and it has become a "Jinzizhaopai" (famous grand in English) in the eyes of a vast number of tourists and a highlight of promotional and publicity.Judging from the present effects, that local government pursues the goal of title of A-grade especial higher grade gradually influences the evolving and developing of distribution structure of scenic spot.The quality of scenic spot is divided into five classes with descending order from 5A to 1A according to The Standard of Rating for Quality of Scenic Spot.Sixty-six 5A-grade scenic spots were checked and accepted and came out in the March 7, 2007 that was considered as a result of spread and intense competition among the 4A-grade scenic spots.First, this text analyses the distribution and changing rules of A-grade scenic spot about China based on the 2286 date of A-grade scenic spots, and finds that A-grade scenic spot which seems entirely in-organization has its own internal space rules.The unitary distributing pattern of A-grade scenic spot which is dense in both extremes and sparse in the middle is growing up with the development of scenic spot in our country, and has a nearly relating and matching with population distribution, river systems, transport network and also landform and so on whether in the space organization or time evolvement.Although the distribution status of A-grade scenic spot has some difference in 31 provinces, its configuration has an upper comparability.The primate distribution of scenic spot is obviously in the provincial capital cities and the distributing trend is getting more and more dispersive.Second, the paper gives its explanation from the perspective of the level of socio-economic development, population, traffic condition and rating system.Generally speaking, there are some group configurations in all provinces in China, but it can not hold back Chinese scenic spot to be more disorderly.There is a reasonable side in the distribution structure of scenic spot which hide the irrational elements.This market-oriented structure system triggers two cycles and makes the stronger much better than before and so do the weaker, and go against to the development of scenic spot to a certain extent.So tourism value of the scarcity of resources should be worth more attention under the circumstance that some conditions such as transportation, sightseeing, service facilities and man-made landscape facilities can be copied.Moreover, this paper also studies the dislocation between the distribution of A-grade scenic spot and tourism resources of China, and also discusses the development trend of A-grade scenic spot in the future which is aimed to guide and perfect the rating system to a more reasonable direction.


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