In the 1980s’, the theory of economic increase emphasized the stimulative functions on the technology, knowledge overflowing and exterior character of the human capital to the regional economic increase.The effects on the knowledge overflowing in cities were more remarkable than that in the towns, because in the cities, the information intercommunion was closer than in the towns.In this paper, the authors tried to testify the above-mentioned results at the theory of the regional economic increase through the data of the industry-economic increase in the different cities.So, the authors collected the data of the city-industry increase of 31 provincial cities in China from 1997 to 2006.Finally, the authors arrived the conclusions that it was the diversification of the industry not the specialization of the industry accelerated the innovate ideology and knowledge overflowing of the cities, and accordingly, it accelerated the economic increase of the cities.In other words, it is the ideology communication nearly brought the mostly innovate thoughts, and those innovate thoughts hoisted regional economic increase.According to the conclusion, we should change the research on the effects of the knowledge overflowing and source of the innovate thoughts from the industry’s inner structure to the ideology communication between each other in the departmental.
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