基于分形理论和可达性理论,运用学校规模测度技术和地理空间测度技术对南京市2006年和2010年普通高中学校规模和空间布局进行分析。具体方法包括运用Hausdorff维数测度学校规模位序,运用关联维数测度学校空间分布的相关性,运用集聚维数测度学校空间分布的集聚性,运用时间可达性测度技术测度学校的可达性。测度结果显示:①2006~2010年间,南京市普通高中学校规模呈扩大趋势,但体系规模总体均衡,且5 a来规模差异有所缩小;②学校空间布局相关性高,且2006~2010年间的布局调整使空间相关性呈现加强趋势;③学校空间布局表现出集聚的特征,且2006~2010年间的布局调整使主城区学校空间布局趋于均衡(分散),而使郊区空间布局趋于集聚(集中);④无论5 a来趋于分散的主城区学校布局还是趋于集中的郊区学校布局,调整后区域内学校可达性都降低,学生上学时间成本普遍增加。建议教育部门在"十二五"期间进一步采取措施,一方面提高学校办学质量,另一方面在让学生就学更加便捷的前提下实现学校空间布局的均衡,以促进教育公平。
By making use of the measurement technologies of the scale and geographic space,the analysis on the scale of ordinary senior high schools in Nanjing in 2006 and 2010,which,on the basis of the fractal theory and the accessibility theory,covers the measurement of the scale sequence of school by Hausdorff dimension,the measurement of the correlation of spatial distribution of school by correlation dimension,the measurement of the concentration of spatial distribution of school by cluster dimension,and the measurement of the accessibility of school by the time accessibility technology.It reveals that: 1) in 2006–2010,the scale of ordinary senior high schools in Nanjing shows an enlarging trend,but the scale of school system maintains equilibrium in general with the narrowing scale difference among schools;2) the spatial distribution of schools has a high correlation,and the adjustment of the distribution of schools enhances the spatial correlation of the schools;3) the spatial distribution of the schools is featured with agglomeration effect,and the adjustment of distribution in 2006–2010 leads to the equilibrium(decentralized) trend of the spatial distribution in central city region and agglomeration(concentrated) trend of the spatial distribution in outer suburb;and 4) both in the decentralized school layout in central city region and the concentrated school layout in outer suburb during 5 years,the accessibility to the schools reduces,and the time and cost to the schools generally increase after adjustment.Accordingly,in order to promote the equal access to education,the paper proposes that the Department of Education of China should take further measures during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan(2011–2015),to improve the quality of schools,and make an equilibrium spatial layout of the schools on the premise of more convenience for students,including controlling the unordered growth in school scale,reasonably arranging the school layout so as to improve the accessibility to the schools in various regions,stopping the weak development of schools caused by vicious competition among schools,and taking more measures to promote the equal access to education.
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