Crisis or disaster has increasingly influenced tourism development and tourism demands obviously.Effective tourism marketing has been widely proved to be one of the focusing measurements for tourism market recovery in many destinations which suffered no dramatic tourism attractions or facilities damages by disasters.Then study on influence of certain disaster or crisis on tourists’ motivation is very crucial for after-disaster tourism destination management and tourism market recovery after some disasters.Taking China’s Jiuzhaigou National Park as a case,the authors conducted some quantitatively comparative analyses of tourists’s motivation based on the questionnaire survey data collected in the park before(from April 27th to May 5th,2008) and after(from,May 5th to 10th,2009) the Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12th,2008.And some quantitative analytical methods such as MANOVA analysis has been used to analyze the changes of tourist motivation in the destination.Some research results can be drawn as below: 1) Tourists to Jiuzhaigou were mostly motivated by their desire of "being close to nuture" both before and after the quake.It is important to note that nature attraction of the world natural heritage was the main and common pull motivation for both short-haul and long-haul markets before and after the earthquake.On the other hand,the Wenchuan Earthquake did great influence most of the tourists’ motivations to visit this park—the importance of pulling motivation declined while that of all pushing motivation but "for social status" increased;2) Before the earthquake,tourists’ knowledge obtaining motivation(experience new things and learn about other culture) was more important than that of recreation motivation(enjoy life and enjoy tranquility),while it has reversely changed after the shock.The importance of the social and psychological motivations(for social status motivation "to see famous sights") decreased after the disaster.3) The attraction of non-core attractions in the destination has experienced distance-decay changes,while the attraction of some core attractions in the park showed no changes with distance before and after the shock.Actually,Jiuzhaigou’s tourist market segmentation within central-western China experienced adverse changes.According to the results of MANOVA,there were reverse trends between the midwest(increse) and midwest(decrease) in the change of market share before and after the earthquake.But all of these markets showed no great differences of tourist motivation.It may imply that tourist motivation can play a tiny role in the explaination of the market changes within some adajacent developing regions before and after the quake.Based on previous research conclusion,the authors put forward some differential marketing suggestions for its market recovery.
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