

  • 徐州师范大学城市与环境学院, 江苏 徐州 221116

收稿日期: 2010-12-23

  修回日期: 2011-06-23

  网络出版日期: 1997-11-20



Cultural Mechanism to Evolution ofWood Sheet Industrial Cluster in Pizhou City of Jiangsu Province

  • College of Urban and Environmental Science, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, China

Received date: 2010-12-23

  Revised date: 2011-06-23

  Online published: 1997-11-20




孟召宜, 黄泽虎, 李红瑞, 张雪妮 . 江苏邳州板材集群演化的文化机理[J]. 地理科学, 2011 , 31(11) : 1368 -1375 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.011.1368


Based on the characteristics of culture and the development process of wood sheet industrial cluster in Pizhou City of Jiangsu Province,this paper analyzed cultural mechanism to the evolution of wood sheet industrial cluster in Pizhou from three cultural levels covering mental mode,social capital and informal institution by using the methods of depth interview and questionnaire survey.Results were showed that the cultural influence on cluster was characterized with three-dimension,that was to say,the mental mode was the intrinsic motivation of culture,the social capital and cultural informal institutions were the external powers of culture, and the coordinated development of the three formed a cultural coupling force to affect the cluster evolution. The cultural influence on cluster is dynamic,concretely speaking,the traditional relation network promotes and supports the construction of the cluster production network at the germination stage,with growth of the industrial cluster.The enterprises of the internal cluster are gradually transcending the geopolitical and consanguinity relation network,while the position and the role of the traditional relation network is relatively decreased, the relationship between the strength of cultural influences and the life cycle of industrial cluster evolution is internal logic.The cultural influence on cluster has an endogenous characteristic.The competitiveness of industrial cluster rested on the productivity and creativity of culture and the fast flowing conversion among cultural capital,social capital,and economic capital is endogenously formed on the basis of cultural spontaneity ability.Also by means of external embedding,the expanded reproduction of the capital cycle and its structure upgrade are obtained,i.e.,the cultural effect is the essential point of the cluster competitiveness and vitality.The cultural influence on cluster is also complicated,and the relationship of culture and economy is subtle and paradoxical due to the duality of the regional culture and the differences of evolving logic between culture and economy.The growth of the sheet industrial cluster is affected by the dual positive and negative influence of the culture,and their influence is constantly changing in different stage of the cluster development, which makes the sustainability of the wood sheet industrial cluster economy is full of the cultural challenge. The industrial cluster has a binary features of economy and culture.It has the economic characteristics and social and cultural connotations,an important function of which lies in the store memories and crucible function of culture,at the same time,with cultural influence on the industrial cluster.The cluster evolution is closely linked to the culture development,and they affected each other and developed coordinately.


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