Five factors respectively named industrial water use efficiency, industrial water use structure, economy development level, water endowment and water resources development ratio are comprehensively considered as the main factors that impact on the water use efficiency, and the factor decomposition model under the extended Kaya identity was established, the decomposition model was solved by the method of LMDI(Longarithmic Mean Divisia Index), then the driving effects of the five factors were calculated and the main factors were determined, which may useful for the understanding of water use efficiency change from 1997 to 2008 in China. The relative contribution ratio of the five factors were calculated to measure their function degree and direction. The result shows that the industrial water use efficiency and economy development level are the most significant factors to affect water use efficiency in China. This paper calculated the absolute contribution ratio of the five factors, then the 31 regions of China (Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan excluding)were divided into four spatial driving types by applying the minimum variance method, and the distribution characteristics of driving effects were further analyzed. The result is of significance for exactly understanding the relation of the water use efficiency and economy development, and also has certain reference significance for the regulation of industrial water use structure and sustainable development.
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