In this paper, continuous sampling, grain size and total organic content(TOC) analysis have been done with the paleolacustrine sediment profile in Chidi Village, Mianchi Basin, combining with 14C dating and calibrating, the paleoenvironment in Mianchi Basin since the Last Glacial Maximum was reconstructed as follow: (1) During 19 543-9 240 cal. a B.P., the climate was dry and the lake was not formed; (2) During 9 240- 8 039 cal.a B.P., the climate turned to be warmer and humid, paleolake started to form;(3) During 8 039- 3 473 cal.aB.P., it was warm and humid in Lake Basin, and water level of the paleolake was the highest;(4) During 3 439-2 931 cal.a B.P., the climate change violently, in the whole period it was less warm and humid than before, water level of the paleolake decreased.(5) During 2 931-2 423 cal.a B.P., it was a dry and cold period with lower temperature and less precipitation, the paleolake gradually dried up. The evolution of human cultural in Mianchi Basin responded to climate change obviously, and was in correlation with the environment change.
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