Under the control of stratigraphic trend, structure and lithology, there are two slope development modes during the development progress of Zhangshiyan Landform marked with the long red cliff, which are the wedge-shaped lateral cutting mode with cutting the cliff to form lane valley, and the horizontal digging mode with digging horizontally at the foot of the cliff to form rock porch leading to the cliff collapse back. The lane valley, rock porch and the Ω-shaped valley have the respective self-similarity features in different location or scale. The cycle of Zhangshiyan Landform development is 294.7×104a. It can be divided four stages: infancy stage lasted for as long as 8.3×104a, young stage 83.2×104a, robust stage 115.2×104a and old stage 88×104a. In Zhangshiyan region, Zhangshiyan landform is layered clearly, caused by hard stratum alternating with soft stratum but not the different stages of Zhangshiyan landform.
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