The formation of fluvial terraces results from the combination of internal factor(change in intrinsic fluvial system dynamics) and external factors(high-and low-frequency climate change,tectonic uplift,and base level change).Models of climate-controlled fluvial terrace formation can explain the tendencies towards riverbed aggradation and degradation resulting from changes in sediment and water supply.However,these models can not explain the progressive(intermittent) incision recorded by several terrace staircases.The formation of river terrace staircases might be the result of combination of climate changes and tectonic uplift.When the resisting power resulting from increment of sediment supply and decrement of river discharge exceeded the stream power resulting from increment of river gradient due to tectonic uplift,river aggradation occursed during glacial periods.However,river channels behaviored in a contrary way during glacial-interglacial periods,when river incision occurred and the effect of tectonic uplift was then released.Due to delay effect of river incision,glacial and denudational isostatic uplift,as well as process of lateral erosion,river incision was not linearly related to tectonic uplift.Utilization of vertical incision rate to represent uplift rate should be done cautiously.
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