In order to adapt maize planting according to current climatic, soil conditions and modern agricultural technique, planting structure of maize and its variety should be optimized at the regional level. In this paper, an indicator system was developed for evaluating the suitability of maize planting in Jilin Province, which is a main maize production area in Northeast China. Thereafter, both spatial interpolation technique and auxiliary information were used for spatial modeling of precipitation, soil conditions and the maize yield. In details, observed precipitation records from climate observing stations in study area were firstly interpolated by using an integrated means of multiple regression and residual error interpolation. Second, with a consideration of soil type information, the relevant factors were utilized as co-factors for interpolating soil properties (i.e. pH, soil organic matter, available K, available N and available P of soil) by using the means of Cokriging technique. Third, the map of statistics-based maize yield was validated by the spatial map of cultivated land quality. Fourth, with the aids of terminal condition law, comprehensive analytic approach and experience index law, the suitability evaluation for maize planting was implemented as the basis of regionalization research. From the regionalization results, 13 zones of planting maize can be indentified in Jilin Province, which are further reclassified into four major suitability levels as high, moderate, low and nun-suitability.
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