Evapotranspiration(ET) is the key factor to the research on water circulation and heat balance in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system.In this article,a pixel based adapted DHSVM distributed hydrological model that integrates remote sensing and geographic information system was applied in the Ziwuhe River watershed in the upper Hanjiang River basin.The modeled pixel is 60 m large.Our study focused on the atmospheric and topographic correction on optical remote sensing data and utilizing 30 m resolution Landsat TM data to obtain leaf area index and the land use and land cover data.Some useful terrain factors as slope and aspect and topographic index could also be derived from digital elevation model.The results showed that the spatial pattern of ET was similarity in different temporal scales,moreover,it was found that daily ET spatial differences were more evident.The result also showed that the distributed model could be used in small basin of humid climate.
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