采用长江口深水航道治理一、二期工程实施前后的地形资料,在G IS软件及相关的统计分析软件的支持下,分析治理工程对九段沙(包括江亚南沙)和横沙东滩冲淤演变的影响。结果表明:工程建设6年来两岸滩涂面积增长了97 km2,其中横沙东滩优先采取了促淤工程,淤积规模较大,滩地面积累计增长了46 km2,是工程前的1.68倍;九段沙的淤积主要是受整治工程南导堤的影响,其中九段上沙及江亚南沙淤积最为强烈,工程后的面积分别是工程前的1.83倍和2.34倍。
Based on the topographic maps drawn before and after the deep-water channel project of north pdzcassage and supported by the GIS software and correlative Stat.Software,this paper has described the influence of the regulation project on Jiuduansha Shoal and Hengsha East Shoal.The results show that the area of the shoals around the dykes has increased about 97 km2 since 1998.Hengsha East Shoal has increased about 46 km2 and become 1.68 times larger than before.The area of Jiuduanshangsha Shoal and Jiangyanansha Shoal has also increased greatly.They are 1.83 times and 2.34 times larger than those in 1998 respectively.The sudden accumulation of Jiuduanshangsha Shoal and Jiangyanansha Shoal attributes to the south bank of the project;at the same time,that of Hengsha East Shoal to the north bank of the project and the siltation-promoting project.
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