As one of important vegetation types,shrubs appear widely in different ecological regions.Parts of them have good indication to vegetation or ecological environment,parts of them can indicate the impact of human to vegetation.Now,in China,the area of shrubs has exceeded the forests.There are lots of researches about relationship between modern pollen and vegetation in forests,steppes and deserts,while very few researches about shrubs,so it is very necessary to study more about the relationship between modern pollen and vegetation in shrubs.In this paper,the study on the pollen assemblages for 53 samples in 20 shrub communities in the northern China showed that the pollen percentages for most dominant shrub plants were less than 20%,apart from Artemisia and Hippophae rhamnoides.The pollen assemblages of shrub communities in different ecological areas had obvious differences.The study on the relationship between the pollen percentages and shrub coverage showed that the pollen percentages of Nitraria,Vitex had significant relationship with their parent vegetation coverage,Tamarix,Artemisia have some relationship with their parent plants in certain extent,while the pollen percentages of Spiraea,Caragana,Leguminosae,Chenopodiaceae have no significant relationship with their parent vegetation coverage.The study on pollen indication to vegetation showed that Gleditsia pollen indicated their parent plants very well and is moderate represented type.Some pollen types,such as Sophora,Zygophyllum,Vitex,Tetraena could also indicate their parent plants well,while they are severely under-represented with the R-values less than 0.3;some other pollen types,such as Caragana,Rhamnaceae,Spiraea,Ostryopsis,Corylus,Nitrinia,Tamarix and Salix are also under-represented for the low R-values,however the strong scattering ability of pollen(O-values are higher than 0.5) making them only indicate their parent plants in certain extent.Pollen types such as Hippophae,Artemisia,Chenopodiaceae are over-represented for the high R-values,the strong dispersing ability or high pollen production(R values higher than 1 or O-values are higher than 0.5) also making them only indicate their original plants in certain degree.Pollen types such as Leguminosae and Saxifragaceae have no obvious indication to their parent plants(Ma values are close to Mp values).
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