For decades,people have studied geomorphological classification in different ways and from different perspectives,and much progress has been made and each scheme has played a role in the development of geomorphology.In recent years,a statistical method has used to study geomorphology widely.This study empirically shows that it is also possible to classify geomorphological forms using mathematic method.It is different from the traditional method of classification.The main principle of quantitative analysis is to consider all factors synthetically,contrast all the data of each sample and make a classification grade according to the degree of similarity.The most similar and smallest geomorphological unit is taken into the first degree,the next most similar and small geomorphologic unit into next degree,the more different and bigger geomorphologic units into next and next degrees.We continue to proceed in this manner until we can classify the whole area’s geomorphological forms. This paper considers computer based quantitative analysis as a means to classify the geomorphological forms of Liangcheng County.It discusses a quantitative method of classifying geomorphological forms.As with the introduction of any new method to a subject,there are a number of technical challenges to be solved. Here we make a thorough investigation of problems such as how to measure and obtain data,how to select the basic sample units,how to determine the sample boundary lines,the optimum number of samples to take,etc.using quantitativeing analysis to classify geomorphologic forms,which has advantages over traditional classification in three aspects: detail,quantification and synthesis.
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