Being two main types of the urban land use, residential land and industrial land have important impact on urban structure. The study on this field is becoming one of the hot topics in the field of Urban geography. With the development of urban society and economy in China, the spatial organization of employment and residential sites changed greatly, which brought important impact on urban development, such as the efficiency of land use, the urban environment, the urban sustainability, etc. By some research on the characteristics of the jobs-housing balance and the typical models of the organization of the employment and residential sites in Guangzhou, some conclusions are carried out. Firstly, with the impacts of the multi-factors, such as the factors from the local government, from the market, and the society, etc., the relationship between jobs-housing in Guangzhou is becoming much more balanced, which helps to relieve traffic congestion, improve living conditions, and optimize urban structure. Secondly, there are several spatial models of jobs-housing relationship due to the dynamic factors, such as the bottom to top and top to bottom systems. The redistribution and sprawling of residential area leading the development of the distribution of both industrial land and commercial land is one of the most typical land use model in recent years, which results in the much longer distant of commuting in new developed area. Thirdly, the mixed land use instead of functional zoning is more helpful to shorten people's travel distance and make the city more efficient.
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