Changes in the occurrence frequency, strength and location of the extreme weather and climate events will occur with global warming. It is of interest to study if the frequent occurrence of extreme weather and climate events is related to change of the climatic background. In this paper, the winter and summer precipitation and temperature data in the climatic and ecological transition zone of Northeast China are used to investigate the interannual variation and probability distribution characteristics of precipitation and temperature in recent 50 years. Results show that there exist significant interdecadal variations in winter and summer precipitation and temperature, and the probability distribution characteristics are different in different periods. The probability distribution differences are probably related to the frequent occurrence of extreme weather and climate events such as high temperature, drought, flooding in recent years. Since the 1980's, precipitation has been in the probability distribution of low ensemble average, and temperature in the probability distribution of high ensemble average. Thus, occurrence probabilities of warm-dry winter and hot-drought summer will increase in the climatic and ecological transition zone of Northeast China.
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