旅游地的客源市场是由不同人口和社会特征的旅游者组成的,他们的旅游动机和需要各不相同,旅游体验质量也存在差异。利用第一手调查资料,在对周庄旅游者动机和体验质量进行调查的基础上,通过因子分析、交互分析和分层聚类的方法,分析了周庄旅游者的旅游动机,根据主导动机的不同将周庄旅游者分为4 种类型,分析了不同类型旅游者的人口社会属性及旅游行为。最后根据不同类型旅游者的需求提出了周庄旅游产品调整的对策。结果表明:身心放松因子是周庄旅游者的基本动机;不同类型旅游者的体验质量存在明显差异,主要受心理内在推力驱使的旅游者的旅游体验质量较高,而主要受旅游地属性外在拉力吸引的旅游者的旅游体验质量较低;不同类型旅游者对周庄自然景观和文化景观的期望值一致很高,而对于周庄的旅游设施、服务、主客关系、产品价格的要求不一。
The tourists market of the resort is composed of different tourists with different demographic and social features, different tourism motivations and needs, as well as different tourism experience. this paper uses the first-hand data to analyze the motivations and the quality of experience of zhouzhuang tourists., and with the methods of the factor analysis, alternate analysis and hierachically clustering, this article analyzes the motivations of tourists in Zhouzhuang. Then based on the difference of the major motivations, the tourists are classified into four types, and the demographic and social features, behaviors of tourists are also discussed. The conclusion indicates that the basic motivations of the tourists in Zhouzhuang is relaxing, and different types of tourists have different experience quality. The tourists drived by mentality internal push have high tourism experience quality, while those attracted by the external pull of the attributes in resorts have low satisfaction. Different tourists have concurrently high expectation on the natural and cultural scenery in Zhouzhuang, however their demands on its tourism infrastructure, services, the relationship between guests and hosts, and the product prices are different. In the end, according to the demands of different types of tourists, some measures on the tourism products adjusting are suggested.
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