运用引文分析法,分析了《地理科学》1987~1996年发表的学术论文的引文情况。结果表明:《地理科学》篇均引文数为8.6条,高于国内平均水平,但远低于国际水平;期刊自引率为4%,低于国内自然科学大部分学科的期刊自引率;引文语种以中文为主,占79.7%;引文类型以期刊为主,占52.5%;被引频次最高的中文期刊是《地理学报》,英文期刊是《Quaternary Research》;引文半衰期为6.3年,文献老化速度慢。根据分析结果,就如何提高《地理科学》引文的数量和质量,提出了几点建议.
The references in Scientia Geographica Sinica published from 1987 to 1996 are analysed by using citation analysis method. The results of statistical analysis show that the mean reference number for each paper is 8.6, being higher than the average level in China, but lower than the international level; the self cited rate is 4%, being lower than that of the journals of most natural subjects in China; Chinese references occupies 79.7%, and periodicals, books and special references make up 52.5%, 43.9% and 3.6% respectively; the periodicals with the highest cited frequency are Acta Geographica Sinica in Chinese periodicals and Quaternary Research in English periodicals; the semi declining period of Scientia Geographica Sinica is 6.3 years. According to the analysis results, some suggestions are put forward for increasing the quantity and quality of the references in Scientia Geographica Sinica.
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