Since China’s reform and open door, the countries and regions of direct investment in China (mainland) have been increasing. In 1995, the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China was 37.81 billion US$ that was from more than 170 countries and regions. Since 1990, the situation of direct investment in the world has changed. In the developed countries, the amount of investment decreased constantly from 1991 to 1992 and began to rise again after 1993. In the developing countries and regions there was a high increase rate of foreign direct investment, from 1991 to 1994, the rate yearly of increase was 18.1%. Investment each other was brisk in Asia Pacific region. The regional structure of capital market of FDI in China has three characteristics: (1) The most of FDI was from the near countries and regions, Hong Kong-Macao, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia provided 80.3% of the amount of FDI in 1995. (2) Only several countries and regions provided most of FDI in China. (3) According to the contributory rate, the main capital market of FDI in China could be divided into four classes, including the guiding market, subsidiary market, new and developing market, opportunity market. Most of FDI in China was from the developing countries and regions, which had a negtive effect on the size and technical level of foreign capital enterprises. The author puts forward the countermeasures to improve the regional structure of capital market: (1) to keep the guiding market stable, (2) to reclaim chiefly the subsidiary market, (3) to guide actively the new and developing market, (4) to try hard to start the opportunity market.
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