通过对浙江省1990~1999年的耕地非农化面积、人口、GDP、工业总产值、工业化率、城市化率等社会经济发展指标的统计分析,结果表明:(1) 浙江省1990~1999年的耕地非农化面积为70 878.85 hm2,耕地非农化率为3.01%,年均耕地非农化率为0.32%,大约是同期全国水平的1.6倍。(2) 受经济活动周期、土地管理政策以及经济活动分布等因素的影响,耕地非农化在时间上呈现出一定的波动性,在空间上表现出很强的地域性。(3) 1996年后,浙江省农业人口的非农化与耕地的非农化基本同步。(4) 提高建设用地集约利用程度的空间较大。(5) 今后一段时期内浙江省仍将出现较大规模的耕地非农化。就如何减缓耕地非农化提出了努力提高现有城市用地的集约利用水平、加大农村居民点用地整理力度以及加强耕地保护的制度建设等建议。
Cultivated land non-agriculturalization (CLNA) is one of the main characteristics of land use at the stage of rapid development of economy. It is a cost for realizing the urbanization and industrialization. The indexes of society and economy development in Zhejiang during 1990-1999 such as CLNA area, popularity, GDP, gross value of industrial output, industrialization rate and urbanization rate are counted and analysed in this paper. Some results are obtained. (1) The CLNA area in Zhejiang during 1990-1999 is 70 878.85 ha and the rate of the CLNA is 3.01%. The rate of the CLNA per year is 0.32% and it is 1.6 times as high as average rate of the whole county. (2) Being influenced by the periodicity of economy, policy of land management and the distribution of economic activities, the CLNA shows fluctuation and regionalism. (3) The non-agriculturalization of agricultural population is on the whole in pace with the non-agriculturalization of cultivated land in Zhejiang after 1996. (4) The potentiality of raising intensive use degree of construction land is great. (5) The relatively large scale CLNA in Zhejiang will continue for a period of time. However, the protection of cultivated land is an eternal theme of land management in China as well as in Zhejiang. The suggestions of slowing down the CLNA are put forward in the paper. They are raising hard the intensive use degree of existing urban land, increasing consolidation of rural residential area land and strengthening the building of institution of the protection of cultivated land.
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