Based on the analysis of the development advantages and the evaluation of market potentials, the author concluded that the development of export-oriented agriculture in the southeastern region of China is possible. The drive for the growth of export-oriented agriculture in the region is the overseas market, which stimulate the development of high-efficency agricultural production and then enhance the change of regional agriculture to "high-productivity, high quality and high-efficiency."The further development of export-oriented agriculture in the region should be sustainable and coordinated with the regional agriculture, adapt to the international market and competition. The cooperation with the agricultural production and capitals are very important. In addition, reformation on system, trade and organization are also necessary.The foreign investment and ventures have played an important role in the development of export-oriented agriculture in the region, for they increased the export, utilized the advantages and became one of the source of expanding reproduction investement. To guide the foreign investment ventures, three different investment districts of local fine agricultural varieties, closed special development zones and new agricultural varieties introduction areas can be built.
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