By using the data of solar radiation measured at the surface from 1957 to 1992, its distribution of spatial and temporal variation is analysed. The direct(s) and global (q=d+s) solar radiations of the whole country have decrcased since 1972, with larger changes in the Yangtze River valley than in the others. The scattered(d) radiation increasing is found in Northeast and coastland of South and East. The most obvious decreasing of the direct and global solar radiation occurs in the Yangtze River valley and Sichuan basin in midsummer. The decreasing in the direct and global solar radiation coincides with the resuts of the increasing in the input of aerosals and atmospheric pollution from domestic and industrial sources besides volcing eruption. In addition, the decreasing of direct and global solar radiation-belt occurred in midsummer and the Yangtze River valley is closely connected with the continual subsidence and the lack of rainfall in the subtropical anticyclones. Recently, cooling of the surface in the Yangtze River in summer is primarily due to significant global radiation reducetion.
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