The Northeast Economic Area with a short cultivative history in its forming process of economic regional system, has connected with international markets and developed its modern industries at a relatively early time compared with other districts in China. The distribution of productive forces manifests evident continuity. International circumstances are always an extremely improtant factor in developing the regional economy of the northeast. Natural conditions and resources have exerted a tremendous influence on the regional structure.As an improtant national industrial base, the northeast has been on the decline in national economy during recent years(that is so-called"the Northeast Phenomenon"). So there ought to be a new sense of strategic standing of the northeast in China, that is, the northeast has become devoid of main resources required in developing heavy industries continuously, its economic regional type has turned into a mixed resource-processing one from a resource typed one, and the northeast ought to become a high-graded diversified industrial base. Besides the causes from industrial structure, administrative system, history and subjective respect, the innermost is that the general train of thought in developing regional economy has been deduced from the repidly changing inner conditions and outer circumstances, which results in disadvatageous situation. Changed circumstances in and out of China are a rare opportunity to the northeast’s e-conomy.New train of thought in building up regional system is:1)Break through the old self-closed, self-perfected deve loping train of thought and establish a new one based on wider reformation, wider opening and wider circulation. Attach more importance to establish widely a special position in Northeast Asia. 2)Reorganize industrial structure and raise its grade in order that the northeast will be made into the centre of interflow of commodities, and one of the economically vigorous areas in Northeast Asia. 3)Renew old regional pattern with new one.There are objectively three economic zones, three levels of economic area system, multi-grade belts and various economic type districts, so choosing regional pattern ought to be in accordance with specific features of various regions, constructing pattern of basic regional structure, establishing two-direction channals leading to the middle belt, opening frontier belt and two exits to sea in the near future.
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