

  • 1. 中山大学城市与资源规划系, 广州501275;
    2. 丹霞旅游经济开发试验区管委会, 广东仁化510300

收稿日期: 1994-06-01

  网络出版日期: 1995-01-20



A STUDY ON THE EXPANSION DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST RESORTS——Taking Yangyuan Section, Danxia Scenic Spot as an Example

  • 1. Department of Geography, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275;
    2. Management Committee of Tourist Development Zone, Danxia, Guangdong 510300

Received date: 1994-06-01

  Online published: 1995-01-20




保继刚, 彭华 . 旅游地拓展开发研究——以丹霞山阳元石景区为例[J]. 地理科学, 1995 , 15(1) : 63 -70,100 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.1995.01.63


Danxia scenic spot is now facing two problems:a.stagnation of tourist growth from 1983-1992;b.very low rate of overnight tourists,causing low pinancial gains .Danxia scenic spot received more than 200,000 tourists in 1982,both domestic and overseas.Since then,the number of annual tourists has been around 250,000.1987 wint-nessed the best year for Danxia scenic spot with 307,000 tourists.However,1989 saw the worst year with 224,700 tourists.Attention should be paid to the big drop of overseas tourists from 1991 to 1992:while 1991 brought in 44,200 tourists,1992 brought in only 28,200,with a drop of 36.2%.Most of Danxia’s tourists are excursionists.Among the 228,700 domestic tourists in 1992,only 33,000 stayed overnight.It was only 14.46% of the total .The same year saw 28,200 overseas tourists,with 3681 staying overnight.It was 12.85%of the total.From the point of view of stages of tourist area life cycle,Danxia scenic spot is in the stages of consolidation and stagnation.Judging from the fact of tourist resource devleopment in Danxia scenic spot,Danxia’s problems lie on the deficiency in scenic development and the aging of the scenic spot.The solution will be to develop new resource and make a new image.Yangyuan section is a part of Danxia scenic spot.It has its special attraction for tourists and serves as a strong complement for the developed spot.Its development will prevent Danxia scenic spot from decline and therefore rejuvenate.The life cycle of many tourist resorts in China is in the stages of consolidation,stagnation or decline.Some of them can rejuvenate through the expansion of the resorts.Those that have no complements for the developed resorts can only go to decline and then close.


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