Zhangji well field is going to be established in Xuzhou City.To know the characteristics of phreatic water dynamic drift is an important precondition for designing the optimal exploitation project, satisfying the water demands for the villager, agriculture and industry, and protecting the environment of the well field.Based on the hydrogeology characteristics, factors affecting phreatic water dynamic drift are analyzed under different exploitation conditions, a 3-D groundwater model is established by an isoparameteric finite element method.The data of pumping test are used for the identification and calibation of the model.The phreatic water table is predicted respectively under the exploitation projects.Results show that after the well field is established, pumping will become the main factor affecting the phreatic water dynamic.And that pumping rate is designed to be 137.1?103 m3/d is compatible.The pumping rate can make sure the groundwater table stable, also satisfy the water demands for local people, local industry, local agriculture, and Xuzhou City.
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