This paper analyzed the fractal dimensions of particle in plow layers of red soil, according to the data of soil particle and fractal model.The results showed that fractal dimensions of particle were 2.772 -2.897 in the plowed layers of 13 cropped fields.Among them, tighten sandy soil was 2.788,sandy loam soil was 2.807, medium loam soil was 2.814 and light loam soil was 2.817.The fractal dimensions of soil particle increased with soil texture fining.From north to south, there was decreasing tendencies.The parental materials had evident influence on the fractal dimensions of particle of soils.The fractal dimensions were in highly significant positive correlation with the contents of total nitrogen, and in very significant positive correlation with the contents of organic matter and the contents of total phosphorus.In addition, in the partial correlation with the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available potassium, available phosphorus was highly significant.
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