The geochemical characteristics of trace elements in water environment in Taiping Lake are studied in a systematic way based on the field investigation and sampling, and the analysis and measurement in the laboratory. The content, form,distribution, varia-tion, effect factors and migration of 12 trace elements Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Co,Ni,As Hg,Cr, Mn,Fe and V in lake water and sediments are discussed in detail. The main research re-sults are shown as follows.1. The elements Pb,Zn,Cd,Co,Fe exist,in lake water, in the form of suspension, but Hg exists in the form of solution, the rest elements exist in the form of suspension and solution simultaneously in Taiping Lake water. The less the element contents,the more the precipitation and water quantity.2. The change range of element contents is not large in the lake sediments. There is a close correlation between sediment and rock strata of basin. The trace elenemts are en-riched in clay sediments. There is a close correlation among Fe, Mn,Co,V,Cr,Zn,Ni in sediments under the condition of a = 0.01. 3. There is a same distributive tendency of the trace elements in Taiping Lake water and sediments. Most of trace elements are enriched in the sediments. Trace element Pb is enriched in Taiping Lake water environment.
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