Population analysis is an important research subject in regional planning,it is also the basis for other research subjects. Computer-assisted analysis method can be used to analyse population system comprehensively in regional planning. The major work of computer-assisted analysis is to forecast population growth. In the forecast, fertility model should be adjusted by comparing with a frame of reference. The adjustment on mortality is to give a decay coefficient. Based on the data obtained from forecasting,we can get data about static characteristics, dynamic characteristics and planning characteristics. Among them, the planning characteristics are the most important ones,these data can reflect the feasibility of population control object,help to determine the applicable TFR, it can also provide the data about changes of labor forces,aging problems and school-age population, which are the basis for the planning of employment,education and aging population service. The main work of computer-assisted mappinng is to draw spatial distribution map of elements, population-age Pyramid,and time-order curves. It is an effective way to extend and speed the research.
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