The alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountain is situated in 41°53′42°04′N,127°57′-128°11′E,1950(2000)-2749.2m above sea level.There are 87 genera(gen).and 131 species(sp.)of vascular plants in the alpine tundra.Among them,19 gen.belong to Cosmopolitan Distribution Type(DT),58 gen.and 39 sp.to North Temperate DT,4 gen.and 9 sp.to E.Asia and N.America DT,2 gen.and 6 sp.to Old World(Eurasia)Temperate DT,4 gen.and 7 sp.to Temperate Asia DT,and 70 sp.to E.Asia DT,81 gen.and 58 sp.are shared with arctic tundra of Europe,of which,68 gen.and 27 sp.are shared with the arctic tundra of Europe;66 gen.and 51 sp.are shared with the arctic tundra of Asia;and 80 gen.and 42 sp.are shared with the arctic tundra of N. America.The main features of alpine tundra flora are 1)endemic floristic elements(17 sp.of vascular plants endemic to alpine tundra)are abundant,2)floristic independence(22 gen.and 70 sp.of vascular plants limited in alpine tundra)is great(strong),3)arctic-alpine floristic elements(6 gen.and 43 sp.)are rich.The flora of the alpine tundra in the Changbai Mountain originated from the arctic tundra during the Holocene of the Quaternary(about 12000 years ago).
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