In the present paper, geographic distribution patterns of pollen types of Polygonaceae and their relationship to ecological factors are first introduced. Geographic ditribution centre of Atraphaxis-type,Calligonum-type and Aviculare-type is located in the northwestern China, but they differ in other factors. Atraphaxis-type and Calligonum-type are in the habitats of gobi desert and sandy land with altitudes from 300 to 800 m, annual precipitation from 20 to 200 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 3400℃;Aviculare-type is in the habitats of arid hillside,calcareous desert and flood grassland with altitudes from 400 to 2000 m,annual precipitation from 200 to 800 mm,annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 4500℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Rheum-type, Koenigia-type and Acetosa-type is located in Northwest China and Southeast China, but they differ in other factors. Rheum-type is in the habitat of mountain slope of cold high mountain area with altitudes from 2000 to 4000 m, annual precipitation from 50 to 400 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 2000℃; Koenigia-type is in habitat of meadow in summit of a mountain with altitudes from 2000 to 4900 m, annual precipitation from 300 to 800 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 600℃ to 3000℃;Acetosa-type is in habitats of wetlant in mountain valley and near river with altitudes from 450 to 3100 m, annual precipitation from 200 to 800 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 6000℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Aconogonon-type, Cephalophilon-type and Polystachyum-type is located in Southwest China. They are in habitats of shrubbery and grassland on mountain slope and wetland in mountain valley with altitudes from 1000 to 3000 m, annual precipitation from 400 to 1600 mm. Geographic ditribution center, habitats,altitudes and annual precipitation of Fagopyrum-type resemble that of Aconogonon-type,Cephalophilon-type and Polystachyum-type,but they differ in annual accumulated temperature. Fagopyrum-type is from 4500℃ to 8000℃; the others from 1600℃ to 8000℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Bistorta-type and Aubertii-type is located in Southwest China and Central China, but they differ in other factors. Bistorta-type is in habitats of meadow in summit of a mountain and wetland in mountain valley with altitudes from 1300 to 5000 m, annual precipitation from 400 to 1200 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 8000℃; Aubertii-type is in habitats of grassland on mountain slope, shrubbery in mountain valley with altitudes from 900 to 3200 m, annual precipitation from 400 to 800 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 5000℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Pteroxygonum-type is located in Qinling in habitats of crevice in rock and shrubbery on mountain slope with altitudes from 600 to 2000 m,annual precipitation from 400 to 800 mm,annual accumulated temperature from 3400℃ to 4500℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Persicaria-type and Tovara-type is located in East China and Central China in habitats of wetland near gully with altitudes from 30 to 2500 m, annual precipitation from 400 to 1600 mm,annual accumulated temperature from 4500℃ to 8000℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Amphibium-type and Convolvulus-type is located in Southwest China, Central China and Northeast China, but they differ in other factors. Amphibium-type is in habitats of shallow water in margin of lake and near gully with altitudes from 50 to 3700 m, annual precipitation from 800 to 1600 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 6000℃;Convolvulus-type in habitats of grassland on mountain slope and wetland in mountain valley with altitudes from 100 to 2800 m, annual precipitation from 300 to 1600 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 1600℃ to 6000℃.Geographic ditribution centre of Tiniaria-type is located in Southwest. China, Central China and East China in habitats of shrubbery in mountain valley with altitudes from 200 to 3000 m,annual precipitation from 800 to 1600 mm, annual accumulated temperature from 4000℃ to 8000℃.Distributions of the pollen types indicate arid and desert climate in Northwest China with assemblage of Atraphaxis-type and Calligonum-type;warm, humid and subtropical climate in Southwest China with assemblage of Aconogonon-type, Cephalophilon-type,Polystachyum-type, Acetosa-type and Fagopyrum-type; high and cold climate in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with assemblage of Koenigia-type and Rheum-type; warm humid subtropical climate and tropical monsoon climate in southern coastal area with assemblage of Persicaria-type and Tovara-type; warm and humid climate in Central China and East China with assemblage of Persicaria-type, Bistorta-type, Tiniara-type and Tovara-type; warm and semi-humid climate in North. China with assemblage of Bistorta-type, Aubertii-type and Pteroxygonum-type; humid, semi-humid, middle warm and monsoon climate in Northeast China with assemblage of Amphibium-type, Convolvulus-type and Sibiricum-type.
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